Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 311 to 320 of 576.

  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: The other is about gender. I noticed the gender bit was being used in my county, but it was not very well done. The fact was that there were too few women who applied for the jobs. Men were recruited. It took a long time to look for somebody. That is why I like what other people have contributed here and said, that we need to include people who come from other regions so that if you fail to get a woman in my county, it is easier to get one from another county over there to come and take ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: other area or if he had some problems there. That will help us understand the person better and go ahead and employ. These are some of the areas I really wanted to emphasise on. The last one is about the governor who seems to have too much power over the county and the people that are employed there. They can fire and hire and yet, it is the county public service boards (CPSBs) or a vetting board that can hire. But, when it comes to dismissing a person, the governor does it alone. There is something wrong there. That needs ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this important Motion. Water is life and a necessity to all human beings and animals. Without water, we stand to suffer in the society. In my community, water is not only lacking in schools but also in hospitals and market places. You will find a huge crowd of people assembling for water. If there is no water, you can imagine how much we expose a whole crowd of people to waterborne diseases. Primary schools are supposed to be free. We should also provide water other than books and other facilities. ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: child. I believe that a lot can be done right now. The NGCDF can help provide water to public facilities. I appreciate the work of the NGCDF. It has done a lot of good work. This is part of what the NGCDF can do, with the support from county governments. The Ministry of Education has allocated money to many things, including purchase of sanitary towels and books. Every primary school should have water because it is a necessity. view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: There are some schools with water tanks. The NGCDF has constructed water tanks in the schools, but they are empty because they are meant for harvesting rain water from the roofs of classrooms. They are only useful when the rains come. If there is no rain, the tanks remain empty and children cannot access water for drinking or washing. That is why sometimes when you go to schools, you find that children are extremely dirty. They walk barefoot and their clothes are torn. Since there is no water within the school, the children do not wash their hands after visiting ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Other than diseases like cholera and amoeba, which affect children, the same children are also abused. If we want to improve education, we should promote good performance in schools and enable children to love schools by providing water in those institutions. We need to construct tanks and have piped water. Even if there is no piped water, we still need water in the school system. We can sink boreholes so that the children can have water. That water should also be treated. We may have water that is dirty and contaminated. So, it is critical that whatever water we provide, ... view
  • 27 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: I support this Motion because it has a lot to do with school performance and retention of girls in school. Thank you. view
  • 26 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I am sorry. I did not mean to contribute to this one. I will say a little bit. This is a very good Bill. We need to support it. Thank you. view
  • 5 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I can say hope at last because we are beginning to see a process being put in place to address the challenges that we face. view
  • 5 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: I was even here much earlier. view


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