Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 351 to 360 of 576.

  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you and I support the Report. view
  • 17 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity to contribute. I would like to support the appointment of Dr. Dinah because of the experience she has. First of all, her education is impeccable. She has got various degrees. She has undergraduate, masters and PhD degrees along with other diploma certificates and professional courses. So, in terms of education, she is really qualified. Two, she is also very experienced. Thirdly, the very fact that she is a woman who is going to head a technical college as a PS is a good thing for the women of this ... view
  • 17 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: I want to conclude by my observations since yesterday. I did not get an opportunity to contribute yesterday. Even today, I took a long time to get this chance. However, I want to say that the appointments that are being done are very good in terms of the people who qualify for those positions. Most of the nominees are really qualified and experienced people. Even if they are young because they were born in the late 1960’s, they still have good papers one can be proud of. view
  • 17 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: The one thing that is lacking, and which the President should consider all the time, is regional balance. It is being raised on the Floor, but we are treating it as a very small matter. It is a serious matter. We have to have regional balance for everybody to feel that they are included in the appointments and that they are part and parcel of this country. If we are talking about one country and one nation, then we need to embrace everybody. Certain areas are neglected all the time. One such area is where I come from - Siaya. ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I also stand to support this Motion. We are all aware that the coast is one of the biggest income earners for this country in terms of tourism. The country gets a lot of money through tourism and the coast region is very significant in this respect. The very fact that tourism declined as a result of insecurity means that we still need to work very hard in terms of improving the coastal region and the environmental part of it. When the environment is destroyed along coastal areas, it ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: coming up along the lake. Women are washing clothes and dishes or domestic items along the lake and animals also utilise the lake. When you look at the whole thing, utilisation is going on but without caring about the protection of the water mass. So, just as we would wish to protect the coastal region, the Indian Ocean, all the maritime life, the Swahili culture and the beautiful things that we see there, so should we be able to do the same for the areas along Lake Victoria. I support this Sessional Paper because environmental protection is key. Everybody in ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Without protection, human beings and animals will perish. It is important that we highlight that. Lastly, environmental education is missing in all these. We want to protect very many wetlands and plant trees. This is important for human sustainability. However, without environmental education, we cannot go far. For example, many people are not aware that it is important to plant trees. They do not know that it is important to protect the water mass they have around. They destroy it without realising the implications. Therefore, we must also put in place education on environment. People must be sensitised the way ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I just want to raise one point that national values also mean that we need to be one people and one nation. To be one nation, we need one language that can unify us. We are so lucky that we have Kiswahili and English languages. If you look at Kiswahili, it is not well spoken in certain regions. I am one of the victims who cannot speak good Kiswahili. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from ... view
  • 3 Dec 2015 in National Assembly: Kiswahili should be one of the languages which should be taught in schools and everybody should be able to speak it well so that we use it all the time. That will unify us. Tanzania, for example, has been unified by one language. They do not talk about tribalism. They talk about my brother, my sister because the language has unified them as a nation. We lack that kind of unity through one language. That is my submission to this. Thank you very much. view
  • 24 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I also want to add my voice to this. First, we are a blessed nation to have His Highness the Pope, the world leader, coming to this country. This is the second time we are having a Pope visiting Kenya and we should be proud of that fact. Lastly, this country is divided along tribal lines. Today, we are united because the Pope is coming. I want to see a situation where we are still united when the Pope leaves. Tribalism should never be part of our lives because ... view


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