Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 341 to 350 of 576.

  • 2 Mar 2016 in National Assembly: to quickly facilitate issuance of IDs. Women suffer a lot. They are asked to go home to their fathers to get certain rights or signatures in order to get IDs. Women have special needs which require special attention to ensure that nobody disturbs them or wastes their time. view
  • 2 Mar 2016 in National Assembly: Chiefs play a very important role, but they need to be facilitated. That is why they ask applicants for money in order to get IDs. It is true there is decentralisation to some extent because the initial process of applying for IDs takes place in the village. What is not decentralised is the actual processing of IDs that are brought to Nairobi. Members of Parliament will have to help by ensuring that the entire process goes back to the communities they represent. Members of Parliament have begun to take part in the registration, collection and distribution of IDs to members ... view
  • 2 Mar 2016 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 1 Mar 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for the opportunity. First, while it has been said that the definition of “community” is not very clear, I still want to say there is an attempt to define “community land”, although it is not as comprehensive as expected. I would have wished to add a few things like “a community is a group of people who speak a similar language, have certain values and live in the same geographical area”. I am happy they have used certain words here like “clan”. A clan is a community and people within that particular region have ... view
  • 24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you for this opportunity. The boards are a very good representation at the county level because they are quite relevant and very close to the people. I support this amendment because this is the right representation. view
  • 24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. The Controller of Budget is one of those institutions that are highly professional and the person occupying this position is one that has gone through proper schooling. The lady we have right now is good. The lady in this position is highly educated and that gives us the confidence that she can control the funds of this nation. My worry all the time about controlling funds in this country is the fact that funds may be controlled on one hand, then you discover that they never controlled them at ... view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to support this Report, but also highlight some few issues especially starting from the 2007 Post-Election Violence. Compensation is a key area that must be addressed. Many people who were affected during this particular violence are complaining. People from Nyanza are some of the victims who were highly affected and have never received any compensation. It is important that we address this issue. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Secondly, the area of sexual-based violence is still very high. There might be improvements in certain areas where there is insecurity, but when it comes to women and children, this has not improved. According to the Report, we have had 5,184 rape cases. Most of these cases are not well addressed. Even when they are reported, the police do not take action on those who are sexually violated. Evidence is never there and there is also corruption knowing very well that sexual violence is a sensitive area and many people would not wish to admit that they have been sexually ... view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: We still see cases of domestic violence, but victims are not adequately addressed. Perpetrators still walk scot-free and there is no justice for those who are affected. This is an area that must be addressed in future because it affects men, women and children. Lastly, there is the section on poverty and unemployment. Young people in the rural areas are becoming a little wild because they have no money. They are not employed yet they are educated. They have gone to universities and colleges yet they are hanging around without employment. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: I know the Government has tried its best by bringing funds such as the Uwezo Fund to improve the economy of young people in terms of starting businesses, but this money is not enough. It is still very little, I have been a participant in the Uwezo Fund distribution in my county, but the money is too little for the number of groups that wish to benefit from the Fund. There is the Women Enterprise Development Fund which is again a drop in the ocean. There is also the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, which is actually dogged by a lot ... view


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