Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 421 to 430 of 576.

  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Another thing that has never been addressed in the Budget is issues that deal with health. In a context such as alcohol and drug abuse, this has been left behind. Now, women are going to handle alcohol and drug abuse and gender-based violence. They will also establish centres where counseling and rehabilitation can take place. They will also put up centres where victims of violence can have shelter and be looked after while they wait for their cases. view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Part of the work of this Fund will be to promote sports and cultural activities. There is a Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, but nobody sees what they do with the money that they have. The role of women in this context will address those areas where a big gap has been left by the various Ministries. There is so much need to improve these areas. There is need to reconsider the Fund that is given to women. The Kshs7 million per constituency is insufficient. Some of us run six constituencies, for example, and that will mean Kshs7 ... view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: I appreciate the work that has been done so far. But with those kinds of amendments to think about women when you are budgeting is important. It is important to be gender sensitive when you are coming up with a Budget like this. So, we need to seal the gaps that are there. The more we do that, the more realistic the situation will be. The work of the Senators, to monitor and evaluate the work on the ground, is going to be more realistic because they will be come with indicators to show the progress. I believe the Government ... view
  • 26 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving this opportunity to contribute to this problem of the sugar industry. First and foremost, I realise that the five industries that we are talking about here come from one region. The decisions that we are going to make on the privatisation of that sub-sector must be efficient. We have to be sure that privatisation is going to work and that the region will not be economically disempowered. If we make any mistake in privatising this industry that is concentrated in one region, then that region is going to be disempowered. It is ... view
  • 26 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: import. But when you have land, resources, skills and farmers who have been there for many years and you want to kill the industry and then you talk about privatisation, then we have not set our priorities right. In my view, we have played a lot with the sugar industry by killing it ourselves. Now we want to privatise it. We killed it simply by importing sugar from countries that are doing very well. Why do we not even learn how other countries have succeeded in the sugar industry? What have they done to make sure that they have enough ... view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I would like to support this Motion for the reasons that have been given against the nuclear energy. Historically, the nuclear energy has been known to be dangerous and I cannot forget the history behind the Hiroshima whose impact is still known or felt today. Many children are born deformed due to the nuclear energy and other countries that adopted it are abandoning it because they realise that it is very dangerous for human, animal and plant life. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information ... view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Secondly, we do not need to go the way First World countries are going. Just because they developed nuclear energy, we also want to do that. We are a Third World country and Africa is blessed with so many forms of energy that is green, friendly, and cheap and that can be utilised. Unfortunately, a lot of this energy that we have in Africa is not well developed. I have in mind the hydro-electricity because we have water all over. From where I come, we have Lake Victoria that has never been developed for energy in any way. We have ... view
  • 18 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I will take one minute. I just want to highlight that it is important that we develop the solar system as we already see that many counties are now into it and many streets are going into solar street lights. I think that is a good thing but we need to develop those much faster and to ensure that the whole country goes solar. Africa is blessed with the sun and I think that is the way to go and the hydro-electricity be equally developed. As it is right now, we have electricity problems; ... view
  • 10 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I would also like to contribute to the Traffic (Amendment) Bill. Many accidents occur out of carelessness and many children have suffered. In Siaya, I recently saw a very grisly accident which occurred and four children died. I notice that the motorbikes are overloaded all the time. You find four, sometimes six children on a motorbike carrying books. There are little ones and big ones. So, if you count the number of people on a motorbike, they are seven. The accident was so ugly because they were trying to ... view
  • 10 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: any respect for pedestrians. Traffic education and education to know the safety measures is needed by everybody, namely, the pedestrians, drivers and riders. There is lack of respect for one another. Everybody has a right to cross the road and motorists should give the pedestrians their chance to cross the road or give a vehicle a chance to pass by while you stand and wait. Nobody respects all this. We have such bad behavior when it comes to traffic offences. Even the language that we use is not proper. We are so rude on the road. Those are the small ... view


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