Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 411 to 420 of 576.

  • 19 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. view
  • 18 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I support the Motion because the person we are talking about has a vast experience and is a person with a distinguished career path. He has been nominated for appointment to serve in a war-torn country. Considering his background, this is a place for him. He is retired and old. Ideally, he should be at home. However, the fact that he is retired does not mean that he is tired and, therefore, cannot be engaged in any Governmental task. I believe that he is going to play a critical role as a ... view
  • 18 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. This is a very good topic. When we are talking about this Motion, we are talking about environmental cleanliness. That is what is lacking among Kenyans. However, more importantly, is the idea of arranging recreational activities during school holidays. This is very important because it prevents children from getting involved in alcohol and doing other illicit things. When I was growing up, holidays were very important. We were members of--- view
  • 17 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I support the Member for Seme in terms of excluding certain individuals. We must also include relatives and neighbours, because they are critical. view
  • 17 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, “relatives” and “neighbours” are there. view
  • 17 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. I feel that this is critical and is missing, just as Social Welfare Officer. They are employed; that is their job. If you leave their names out of this Bill, what is their function on the ground? Therefore, these should be included in this list. They make the list more comprehensive and wider. There will be many choices on the kind of people that can be consulted or who can protect a child. view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. First, let me take this opportunity to appreciate the fact that an Affirmative Action Fund has been included in this BPS. It is a Fund that has never been there. The 47 Women Representatives have suffered greatly because they have had nothing to implement on the ground. Now this has come and we feel great. We feel, however, that a lot of improvement can be done. We have been allocated Kshs2.1 billion which, if you calculate very well, means that every constituency that we represent will get at least Kshs7 million. ... view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: some monies for completion of Jua Kali sheds under the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP). We have allocated Kshs225 million for that. view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: One of the activities that we will be undertaking is putting up sheds in market places. This would be a kind of duplication and we may need to lift this money and push it to the Women Fund. This is a realistic thing for the women to do when it comes to putting up sheds in markets. Therefore, the Kshs225 million, in my view, would be better placed under the affirmative action to boost the work that they are going to do in terms of putting up sheds in markets places. view
  • 12 Mar 2015 in National Assembly: Generally, in my view, the Budget has not addressed the issue of poverty in a practical manner. That is why the Affirmative Fund is more practical because among the things that the Women Representatives are going to undertake is to establish cottage industries. If you look at the village set up, many little industries keep coming up but the Government has never allocated money to improve them. Pottery and bead making are some of the areas that will fall under the cottage industry, which requires a little bit more money and training so that the youth and the women who ... view


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