Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 391 to 400 of 576.

  • 15 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. I want to, first of all, give glowing tribute to the Mover, hon. Millie Odhiambo, for this very timely Bill. Assisted technology is coming to Africa too late. It has been in existence a long time ago in many countries, especially in the First World. The first child that was born out of assisted technology was Lesley Brown, who was born in the 1970s. Since then assisted technology has developed and a lot of progress has been achieved. So many families are happy because assisted technology is helping them ... view
  • 15 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: hon. Millie Odhiambo has brought to this House. As we wait for their Bill, let us move on with what we have – hon. Millie Odhiambo’s Bill. I support this Bill vehemently because I have seen experiences of many women who require this kind of technology. I am also glad that men are supporting it. Many people think that when there is no child in the family, or when there is a problem such as this one in a family, then the men are divorced from the problem. I am glad that the Members in this House are supporting the ... view
  • 15 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: hon. Millie Odhiambo has brought to this House. As we wait for their Bill, let us move on with what we have – hon. Millie Odhiambo’s Bill. I support this Bill vehemently because I have seen experiences of many women who require this kind of technology. I am also glad that men are supporting it. Many people think that when there is no child in the family, or when there is a problem such as this one in a family, then the men are divorced from the problem. I am glad that the Members in this House are supporting the ... view
  • 15 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: In the 1970, Lesley Brown was reproduced. She is now a married girl. Nobody stigmatized her. She is the reason a lot has been achieved in this area. Let us support this Bill. As I sit down, I say thank you to hon. Milly. You are solving women’s problems the right way. Thank you and I support. view
  • 15 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: In the 1970, Lesley Brown was reproduced. She is now a married girl. Nobody stigmatized her. She is the reason a lot has been achieved in this area. Let us support this Bill. As I sit down, I say thank you to hon. Milly. You are solving women’s problems the right way. Thank you and I support. view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: I have not. Thank you, hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity that I have been waiting for since yesterday. I want to commend the President for his Address. It was eloquently put. However, the content needs to be highlighted in terms of the weaknesses that it has. The President started off with an apology. The apology is good because then you can reconcile with the people you have wronged. In his apology he did not demonstrate much in terms of how the people who were abused in the past will benefit. I know he has put aside Kshs10 billion. ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: I have not. Thank you, hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity that I have been waiting for since yesterday. I want to commend the President for his Address. It was eloquently put. However, the content needs to be highlighted in terms of the weaknesses that it has. The President started off with an apology. The apology is good because then you can reconcile with the people you have wronged. In his apology he did not demonstrate much in terms of how the people who were abused in the past will benefit. I know he has put aside Kshs10 billion. ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Teachers are lacking in many schools. Schools are going without teachers as students are learning under trees in difficult circumstances. I cannot talk about the progress that has been done in as far as education is concerned. Right now some teachers have not received their pension from 1997 to this day. Teachers have gone on strike severally and those in Garissa have not reported and yet he did not mention this as a challenge that he is facing. He needs to highlight the challenges that he faces so that as a nation we can rally together, support and improve the ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: Teachers are lacking in many schools. Schools are going without teachers as students are learning under trees in difficult circumstances. I cannot talk about the progress that has been done in as far as education is concerned. Right now some teachers have not received their pension from 1997 to this day. Teachers have gone on strike severally and those in Garissa have not reported and yet he did not mention this as a challenge that he is facing. He needs to highlight the challenges that he faces so that as a nation we can rally together, support and improve the ... view
  • 1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly: The third part is on health. He talked of the good things going on in maternal health. That was excellent. There is a lot going on in maternal health but along health he needs to talk about malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS as being problems. These are some of the diseases that are affecting maternal health. That needs to be fixed by the Government. Finally, I want to talk about tribalism and ethnicity. Ever since we came to Parliament, the names that come here for vetting tend to be from two regions. We have The electronic version of the Official Hansard ... view


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