Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 451 to 460 of 576.

  • 22 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: . We are still lax. We do not seem to be serious. We just talk. There is so much rumour about the Ebola virus. Even as an adult, I am not sure that I know how it is spread. All I know is that you bleed from all body openings once you are infected. That is the little that I know. There is no education. The healthcare system in this country is failing us. We are not informed on how the virus is spread. Everybody is talking about bleeding from the nose, eyes, ears, et cetera . That is all ... view
  • 22 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: When the HIV and AIDS came, there was so much information dissemination on it. We got information through drama and music. There were radio talks about HIV and AIDS. There were advertisements too. Newspapers published big stories about it. Education on HIV and AIDS was quite good. When it comes to Ebola, there is silence. Nobody is talking about it in a manner that may educate people. Public education on the view
  • 22 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: virus is lacking in every aspect. We need to pull up our socks and copy what other countries are doing. They keep on informing their people on what is going on. In Kenya, there is mystery around the Ebola virus. I am very sure that even if we have it in this country, it will not be revealed. Nobody is going to tell us that we have Ebola . We look like we are cheating – that we are not giving information. We may be having victims of view
  • 22 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: , but we are not ready to admit that there are such cases. So, we are not doing very well when it comes to Ebola . We may be trying in other areas. We have done very well in HIV and AIDS. It is now being said that the statistics on HIV and AIDS have gone down even though in Nyanza they are still high. The good thing is that there is a level of understanding on the spread of HIV and AIDS. It is a disease which is as scaring as Ebola . Now that Ebola is being associated ... view
  • 22 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: So, public education comes first and we need to be told by experts how it is spread, how we can prevent it and how it can treated. We need to know what we should do with victims in our homes and things like those. I expect more information on this by the experts. Thank you very much and I support the Motion. view
  • 15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this Motion. I have read the Speech more than three times, trying to get its theme. He has touched on very many issues in a scanty manner. I would have loved the President to take just a few issues and deal with them thoroughly and give us statistics. We are a country that has improved greatly The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: economically. We are now a middle-level economy. That is just a statement. I would love to see statistics showing that, that is where we have reached. Otherwise, to me, that is just a statement by the President. How true is it? I see many poor people in this country. They are nowhere near middle-level income economy. So, the drafters of the President’s Speech should always highlight certain things that can convince the readers. I would love to believe that ours is a middle-level income economy. But I want statistics and other evidence brought to the fore to convince me that ... view
  • 15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: I am not reading, I am looking at my points. view
  • 15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: I am looking at my points. view
  • 15 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I asked a question and I needed an answer. The question asked two things. It was one question doubled. I said: Did you sponsor yourselves or did the State sponsor you? I did not decide for you who sponsored you. I just simply asked a question. The last point I want to make is about IDPs. The IDP question still lingers. It has never been solved and people from the region where I come from, Nyanza Province, have always wondered what happened to their IDPs. There are many IDPs who have been compensated but--- view


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