Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 521 to 530 of 576.

  • 19 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: I would like to say that we should inform them that those opportunities exist. view
  • 18 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity to contribute to these amendments. First, I would like to make a comment on the structure of the Uwezo Fund especially at the county level where the appointments to committees are made. Most of the recommended officers are civil servants. I want to take you through so that you can see the challenge that we are going to face because they are all going to be men. If we do not watch out, the one-third gender rule may never be realized. We have a Sub-county Commissioner and most of these Commissioners ... view
  • 18 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Then we have representative for each ward in the constituency nominated by the constituency Member of Parliament and that is also likely to be a man. The worst are the last two. We have two representatives from the constituency, one of whom shall be a male youth. The whole list is dominated by those who are likely to be men. My fear is that we are not likely to get the one-third gender rule in the appointment of committee members. That must be looked into very clearly and we perhaps need a rider on this particular section that the one-third ... view
  • 18 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: My last comment is that there are certain hidden regulations that may not be here. The youth are already complaining that they are forming groups and registering them, but the requirement for the Uwezo Fund is that they will qualify for the funds after they have registered six months down the line. A lot of them are worried that they may not get the funds because they are new groups. They have just been registered and they will not be able to have been in the system for six months. This needs to be looked into because so many youths ... view
  • 18 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: The very last one is that the Ministry responsible for youth and women affairs in this Government is not very clear. It is being mentioned here, but it is not very clear. We need to clarify which Ministry is responsible for youth and women affairs. view
  • 19 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Motion. First of all, it is a great pleasure to have this view
  • 19 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Fund because it is aimed at alleviating poverty among women and the youth. It is a great welcome, but there are a few things that we still need to learn from other funds to make this one successful. I happen to have been the Chairperson of Constituencies HIV and AIDS Committee and that was a while ago. The structure is so simple and effective. There are no Government officials. You only have the community, teachers and women; successful people in the community but they are not necessarily civil servants. They really know what it means to have this Fund. So, ... view
  • 19 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I think a lot needs to be clarified when it comes to religion or the church for this matter. It is true that the church has the youth and women. However, they should register as a church. What should not look like discrimination here is that they still need to take a loan just like any other youth elsewhere. If you give them grants then you give them a special place there will be wrangles and conflicts over that. Everybody who is registered and who is seeking these funds should actually take the loan. I do ... view
  • 19 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: No. I am not opposing. I am saying that within the religious institutions are youth groups and they are registered just like any other youth group. They do have certificates and I think they can benefit from this Fund just like any other youth, but within the church institution. All that is important is that we should not look like we are giving them a grant while others are not given a grant. view
  • 12 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady I was not meant to make any changes, but I realized that when you read through that Clause 6(c) it spills into (d) and then the (d) becomes irrelevant. view


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