11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
The President also talked about affordable housing. Housing cannot be affordable if the cost of production is high. You need to reduce the cost of production then talk about affordable housing.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
In Kenya today, the electricity bills are high. If you want to reduce cost, let us come up with renewable energy. We have a wind farm in Marsabit which is producing 90MWs. We need to increase this on yearly basis to about 300 megawatts so that way we might reduce the cost of production.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
The President also talked about PPPs on water purchase agreement. This is good, but what we need to look at is how much it is going to cost the local wananchi . We need to have legislation that will make sure the cost is lowered.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
On National Social Security Fund (NSSF), he said that if you pay Kshs2 the Government will give Kshs1 which is about 50 per cent. Is it viable? If I have a deposit with NSSF of Kshs1 million, the Government will give me Kshs500,000. Is it workable or realistic? We need to look into that also. He also talked about scaling up farm production. In Marsabit County where I come from, we have a mixture of so many things. We have big farms, livestock, fisheries and wildlife. We have one of the best rain forests in Kenya, some gold and iron ...
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
While looking at the farming sector, we also need to look at fish that comes from Marsabit from Loyangalani, Lake Turkana and how to improve livestock production so that our people can earn a living. I do not want to take up much time, but the other issue I want to raise is about Universal Health Coverage (UHC). We need to have legislation in place as soon as possible in order to help our people acquire UHC. What we have is the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
The President said that a small man, a hustler pays Kshs500. Those in the government or any other institution who is earning less than Kshs10,000 pays Kshs150. We need to have legislation in place so that a hustler will also pay less and somebody who is employed will pay more. We need to look into that to have a legislation that will help the common man.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
He also talked about drought mitigation. The problems we have, especially in Northern Kenya, are two. First, is God-made and the other man-made. The Man-made is corruption. The food from national Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that is supposed to go to the poor people is being stolen to the tune of 70 to 80 per cent. If we look at God-made calamities and leave out corruption, we would be making it a very huge mistake. As a House, we need to put legislation in place so that instead of giving people food we use cash transfer system which is ...
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, this House should put the country first. Let us not put our parties first. We will support legislation that are pro-people. The problem we have is corruption and it is killing the common man. The President talked about low cost housing. He talked about getting public or Government land for free. I do not think that is a good idea because we have seen this before and I have lived long to see these things happen. Our farms in Moi Ndabi and Ndabibi in Naivasha were ADC farms. President Moi wanted to give it to the ...
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
11 Oct 2022 in Senate:
floors, convince him with some incentives to put up 30 floors. That will take care of the cost of land. The investor will not pay for the land immediately, but it can be captured in each unit. That will make the true cost of the land and the houses. We cannot say the houses are affordable without adding the cost of the land. We should also put the cost of the land so that you if it is affordable or not. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I do not want to take much of your time. I know Senators are also ...