All parliamentary appearances
Entries 441 to 450 of 541.
15 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT
15 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also want to commend Mrs. Odhiambo-Mabona and all the people who have worked tirelessly to ensure that this Bill has come of age. It is a Bill that was long overdue and I think it will put us back on the map of the world as people who are concerned. We have been told that slavery ended, but we know that it still goes on around our homes. However, I know that we have a lot of work to enlighten the Kenyan citizen on what this Bill entails. I fully support it ...
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a)The Government at the moment does not have any law or policy that requires or encourages businessmen and individuals to support the less fortunate members of the society. This means that support to vulnerable sections by individuals or corporate organizations whether in kind, cash or services is voluntary and is at the discretion of such philanthropic donors, some of whom have well established corporate social responsibility programmes and they also give generously in harambees. (b) If there are any long-term policies, I believe this will be through the Ministry of Finance because it ...
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, as far as I know, there is no policy as we speak today. But there is a big movement right now over the world and the Commonwealth is encouraging philanthropic ideas so that business communities can give. But like I have said, business communities are already giving and once you approach them, they give generously. But there is no policy as we speak today. But they help when they are called upon to do so.
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, like I have said, as and when we have a need, we go to specific individuals and they come to our aid. But I have said that we do not have a policy. But when there is a need, we go to them and we are assisted. For instance, when we require sanitary pads, we get a lot of them. When we had issues of rape and some problems in Naivasha, many well-wishers came on board. So, as and when required, the business community comes on hand.
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I guess we can look at it.
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, policies are not made overnight. I guess we are going to look into it. I have already said that the Commonwealth is already steering member countries into that direction and we shall take it on board.
13 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I think we have already been tapping into that. If you look at the Gates and Melissa Foundation, they are already giving very generously. I think that is just one of them. So, we need to have specific programmes so that we can go to the business community for assistance. But we need to have specific policies.
7 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a) To date, a total of Kshs2.2 million has been lent out to women entrepreneurs in Migori Constituency through the constituency component of the Fund. The list of the beneficiaries through the constituency component is available and I shall table it after this. As regards the micro-financial component, it is not possible to give it at a short notice, but this can also be available at a later date. Our data only gives names per financial intermediaries. The intermediaries operating in Migori region are Adoctimo, Small and Micro-Enterprises Programme, Finance Bank, Co-operative ...
7 Jul 2010 in National Assembly:
institutions that are based in Migori. Proof of residence is not a pre-requisite of accessing the funds through the financial intermediaries. However, we are in the process of designing a data system that will give this information on request.