All parliamentary appearances
Entries 1341 to 1350 of 1798.
11 Oct 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) was established in July, 1974 and falls within the Minsitry of Industrialization. The Committee on Equal Opportunities, in line with its mandate which cuts across all the Ministries, took up this matter arising from an impulse selection process of the Managing Director of KEBS with a view that all Kenyans had not been given equal opportunity.
11 Oct 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Committee held meetings with the following members to get facts on the matter:- The Minister for Industrialization; the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Industrialization; the National Standards Council; the Chief Executive; KPMG and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, on behalf of the Committee on Equal Opportunities, I have the honour and pleasure, on behalf of my Chairman, to present the Committee’s Report and recommendations on the appointment of the Managing Director, KEBS, for consideration and adoption by the House. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, KEBS was established in July, ...
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I support this Motion. This country has been struggling for reforms for too long, and police reform in particular is one critical reform that we have been yearning for for decades. I think we have six days. These are enough for us to have very constructive participation. I think the Standing Orders give us the power to reduce the number of days if necessary. For Kenyans to enjoy the fruits of the new Constitution, I think it is critical that we support this Bill, and allow Kenyans to have all these new laws that are required to ...
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
With those few reasons, I support the Motion.
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I do support this Motion to extend the duration for the TJRC to continue to work for six more months. Justice is something very critical. Many Kenyans have been denied justice for too long. In my constituency, there was the Turbi Massacre. We want to see justice done and know what happened to my people then. I think the work of this Commission is very important; it is very critical. They have started their work. We have spent money on them. Let us give them enough time to finish the work that they ...
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to support the Unclaimed Financial Assets Bill. I want to congratulate my friend and brother, hon. Lekuton for bringing this very timely Bill. It is stated that the estimate of unclaimed assets in this country is over Kshs200 billion and what is known and reported is about Kshs1.9 billion. About 60 per cent of these assets are not re-united with the rightful owners or beneficiaries. This is a big gap in our legislation and policies. It is time we came up with a legislation that will enable us to provide for the reinstatement of ...
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I am a Member of the Committee and I was asked to move this Motion by my Chairman, who is out of the country, in Saudi Arabia. However, given the little time left, I beg that I move it next time.
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, this House adopts the Report of the Select Committee on Equal Opportunity on the recruitment of the Managing Director, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), laid on the Table of the House on 16th December, 2010.
18 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, this Report is very important because there were serious problems at the KEBS and, as the Equal Opportunity Committee, we had to investigate it. We had time with the Board of Directors as well as with the Management of KEBS. In our investigations, we found that most things were done unprocedurally. We also found that the advice that the Minister was given was not---
17 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Is it in order for the Assistant Minister to make these unnecessary excuses in terms of what these Kenyans have to do with their handsets? It is upon the Ministry to educate Kenyans so that they are not ripped off. It is the job of the Ministry. I do not think it is in order for him to make these unnecessary excuses about citizens leaving their handsets on automatic mode. That is not necessary. It is his job to educate Kenyans.