Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 791 to 800 of 1798.

  • 11 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you so much for this opportunity to reply to this Bill. First, I want to thank all the hon. Members of this august House who have contributed passionately and in a very rich way to this Bill. Water is life and the engagement the hon. Members have had with this Bill is very evident how serious they have taken it. We have heard the concerns of hon. Members and we will make sure that as we do our amendments, we will take those critical considerations into our amendments and ensure that those issues are taken care of. Hon. Temporary ... view
  • 11 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: sanitation services which are daily water provision and sanitation, storm water management systems as well as disaster management. So, this Bill, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker is to ensure that we have institutions that are able to deliver on the national functions at the national front and at the same time, leave the functions of the county governments to the county systems and structures and with their laws to deliver on their functions. I am saying this because of issues raised by the hon. Members in their contributions. Water regulation remains the function of the national Government. So, that is why ... view
  • 30 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I wanted to intervene when the Leader of Majority Party was speaking. There is moderation in anything you say. Going that far on the Chief Justice, the Judiciary and even Ahmednassir is not in order. It is uncalled for. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Chairlady, as a Committee we discussed this issue at length. This is a very new industry in this country and we really want to build it up. Kenya is known to be as a nation, which can manage its mineral wealth. If we are able to attract good Kenyans even from Australia or wherever they are, three years will not be enough. Five years will enable this country to build this industry. That is the reason we gave for recommending five years instead of three. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Chairlady, our Constitution allows compulsory acquisition of land in the interest of the public or for the common good of this nation. In this particular case, it is only for reconnaissance where the land is not disturbed in any way. It is actually for use by planes; it is airborne. Therefore, when the amendment basically says that the owner of the land should not unreasonably deny Kenyans access to that resource, it is something that is in order and we beg that this House goes with us in the interest of the public. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Chairlady, the National Land Commission has the constitutional mandate and will have a role to play in this. Even at the county level, there are county land boards and members at the county level will be legally mandated to play their role. Therefore, in that sense, both at the national level and the county level, the interest of the public or community land is taken care of and it is clearly shown in the subsequent amendments. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, at the prospecting stage, very little disturbance is done to the environment. We have looked at this practice in other parts of the world and that is where we brought it from. When it comes to actual mining of the minerals then a very comprehensive environmental and social impact assessment will be done. That is required by the law anyway. So, at this point very little adverse impact is done to the environment. Secondly, we have looked at other models. If we are to attract investors with a very small piece of land, we will not ... view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I stand to support the motion. We have a duty in this country. As a Committee, we have done a lot of work on this Bill. I am sure that even if we stay until 8.00 p.m., we will be able to guide the House to do the right thing. With those few remarks, I support the Motion for extension of the time. view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Chairman. I truly appreciate the concerns raised by hon . Ndirangu. We have laws in this country which ensure that whenever we have any development or investment plans, we do a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment before any development is undertaken. It is a law and if in any way it is found to be injurious or in any way to have adverse impact on the ecology and on the water aquifers, then there must be a compensation plan because compensation is a must and that is the law. So, we already have it. Actually, in our Committee ... view
  • 28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I do not see the need because we have the laws already to take care of this. view


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