George Theuri

Parties & Coalitions


10th May 1978







@theurigeorgy on Twitter

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 191 to 200 of 295.

  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker. This is a bipartisan issue. I thank the House for coming to a consensus for us to debate this matter. My points are few. I do not want to take much time. view
  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: The first issue is that GMOs present a threat to local farmers. I find it strange that even some Members from the Rift Valley Region would agree to the importation of GMO maize, knowing very well that they will be the biggest casualties in such a move. I also wonder why we would be availing a lot of fertilisers to farmers if we knew that we would bring in GMO maize. Clearly, there is some confusion being brought forth by the Government. view
  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Secondly, the issue of substandard food has been alive in this country. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had rice which had to be boiled for about two hours before it could be served. That kind of rice was distributed in my constituency, and I saw it myself. Very many people rejected it. This is a risk that we cannot accept. view
  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Thirdly, on the issue of health, as it has been stated by very many of my colleagues, there is the issue of cancer and other chronic diseases that could come up as a result of consuming GMO foodstuffs. We need to remember the cost of medical care, especially the cost of treating cancer. The Government should be fully aware of this cost as we talk about the importation of GMO food commodities. We have inadequate healthcare facilities, especially in Nairobi. As Members, we always contribute to harambees to assist our constituents to foot medical bills. The issue of cancer is ... view
  • 22 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: effects of GMO foodstuffs in other countries. The science behind it is there. So, we cannot ignore this issue. As I support this Motion, the Government and, more so, the Cabinet Secretary for Trade, Investment and Industry who is a friend and a former Member of this House should know that the statement that everyone dies is so reckless. It even gives us the notion that he himself accepts that GMO foodstuffs are unfit for human consumption. With those remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker. I want to support this proposal, and thank Hon. Mule and Hon. Gichimu for bringing it to the Floor. It is long overdue. It is the first time this Parliament will have a chance to amend the Constitution since it was promulgated in 2010. This amendment should be immune from the Judiciary and the Executive, and should have a by-partisan approach that we have seen so far. As mentioned by some of our colleagues, we need to informally engage the Senate regarding these amendments so that we can ensure a smooth process and avoid any ... view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: One of the things that I want to request, as we discuss, and I would be making amendment to the Act, is that we must consider population as well. For us, new Members, we noticed that the distribution was based on wards. I would submit that those of us who represent urban constituencies like mine in particular, where I have over 280,000 people, the population needs to be a factor. The way wards were created in 2010 was not fair. There are constituencies with more wards and lesser people. Secondly, we have the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). We will have ... view
  • 13 Oct 2022 in National Assembly: Finally! Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker. Like most new Members would say, we have been waiting for quite a while. Being my maiden speech, let me start by congratulating all the elected Members of Parliament. I also want to give a vote of thanks first to the Almighty God for giving me this chance, to the people of Embakasi West who voted for me, to my family, my wife, my children, my sisters, my brother and all those who campaigned with me in Embakasi West. I want to thank them for their support. It is obvious that my surname is ... view
  • 13 Oct 2022 in National Assembly: Land ownership is one of the biggest issues that we have in my constituency. People do not have title deeds. Mowlem Ward has a population of 89,000, where 70 per cent of the Ward is adjudicated land. So, 70 per cent of those people do not have title deeds. Whenever you hear of demolitions in Nairobi, this is the ward that always has the highest number. That has to end. When I talk about women and youth empowerment, it is straightforward. They need funds, training, jobs and opportunities. That is what the women and youths in my constituency have been ... view


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