George Theuri

Parties & Coalitions


10th May 1978







@theurigeorgy on Twitter

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 201 to 210 of 230.

  • 7 Jun 2016 in National Assembly: THAT, Clause 73 of the Bill be amended— (1) in sub-clause (1)— (a) in the marginal note by deleting the word “accredited” and substituting therefor the word “ licensed”; (b) by deleting the word “accredited” appearing immediately after the words “register of all” in the introductory phrase and substituting therefor the word “licensed”; The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 7 Jun 2016 in National Assembly: (c) in paragraph by deleting the word “accredited” appearing immediately after the words “providers are” and substituting therefor the word “licensed”; and, (d) in paragraph(d) by deleting the word “accreditation” appearing immediately after the words “to their” and substituting therefor the word “licence”; (2) in sub-clause (2) by deleting the word “accredited” appearing immediately after the words “ register of the” and substituting therefor the word “licensed”; and, (3) in sub-clause (4) by deleting the word “accredited” appearing immediately after the words “conduct of” and substituting therefore the word “licensed”. view
  • 26 Apr 2016 in National Assembly: I wanted to contribute to the next item, but I support the amendment. view
  • 11 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I support this Motion, which is timely. However, I wish it could be amended so that the Government develops and implements a national curriculum for emergency training, not only for the medical personnel, but for everybody in the public service. This should be a must to drivers, bus conductors, boda boda operators, waiters, cooks and house helps. The reason behind my argument is that when an emergency occurs, these are the first people to handle the victims. Before the victims are taken to hospital, these people come into contact with them. We need to ... view
  • 14 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this but with some few reservations, especially when it comes to ensuring that the worker has adequate training and medical insurance, considering that they are low income earners. I do not know how that will be possible but I support it. view
  • 14 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this Bill. view
  • 13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: It is high time we decongested our courts. Some of the cases can be resolved in the small claims courts. One of the biggest challenges the courts have is the numerous number of cases that need to be expedited. For the small claims courts, justice will be faster. I believe that the small claim courts will be keen to save Kenyans the hustle of tedious legal processes for minor cases that can be dispensed of easily and cheaply. They will also resolve disputes informally, cost effectively and expeditiously in accordance with the principles of law and justice. With those few ... view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I just want to support the amendment because when it comes to unemployment, it involves the whole lot of us; and more so the youth. I support the amendment. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: I support. view


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