George Thuo

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions


14th February 1967






(020) 315959

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 201 to 210 of 247.

  • 20 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I do not think it is order for Mr. Affey to castigate the Minister involved, when this House has found it fit to celebrate and put aside the very serious business about maize and hunger to discuss somebody's inauguration while mere congratulations would have done. I think we are guilty of the same crime and if any of us was a Minister would probably do the same. view
  • 16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise to clarify and associate myself with the remarks made by hon. Midiwo. It is true that we did have a meeting with Dr. Khalwale, at 4164 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES December 16, 2008 which he explained to us his intentions. It is our role to know what he may be proposing to do. We are not party to the writing of those particular names. However, going beyond that, even if we were, we cannot constitute ourselves into the House Business Committee. So, to the extend that you ruled that there is a ... view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, having said that the difference is not recoverable, how does the Assistant Minister intend to finance it? Secondly, for how long will they subsidise maize flour? Is it for six months? Is the subsidy open-ended? How long will it be? How will they finance that unrecoverable portion because it was not part of the Budgetary Estimates in the current financial year? view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Assistant Minister has not answered my question. How will they finance it, given that the subsidy had not been given any budgetary allocation in the current financial year. view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, he keeps on saying that the money is available. I still argue that we did not vote for this money? How did they create it? What was the source of this money? view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Assistant Minister has not answered the question. You even assisted him by asking him, specifically, under what Ministry and vote that money was allocated. He went ahead to comment about his own Ministry and another Ministry. He now says that what we passed in this House, for the purpose of the SGR has now been consumed by this subsidy. We are in serious trouble. view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, first, I will commend the Assistant Minister, and will take his assurances as to quality at face value. Having said that, could he reassure us that, that particular low-cost flour would be available across the entire country - because the spread of the poor is countrywide - where those who choose to eat that particular flour can access it? I ask this because we know the NCPB does not have a retail network. How will he ensure that every Kenyan has access to it? view
  • 10 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Chairman, Sir, I rise to support the amendment. It is very clear, from this particular statement, that the Leader of Government Business shall only issue a statement informing the House on the Business coming before it in the following week. There is such a difference between the expected questions that will arise at Prime Minister's Question Time and this particular business. For instance, if it was today, the questions that the Prime Minister would be tackling would involve maize flour, maize itself, cattle rustling, et cetera . These are things that are topical to Kenyans on a daily ... view
  • 4 Dec 2008 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I will be very brief. I stand to support the Motion. I will not belabour the points that have been raised. But I want to commend the authors and the people who undertook this exercise for a serious insight into what has caused us problems. Particularly, I want to mention two areas. First is the Electoral Disputes Resolution Court, which I hope that the Minister who is responsible will be looking at. This is because part of our problem was the fact that we did not trust our resolution mechanisms as currently in ... view
  • 12 Nov 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in part "a", the Assistant Minister responded by giving various reasons why the river is drying up. He agreed with the statement that eucalyptus trees are causing the river to dry up. In view of the fact that eucalyptus trees have been planted extensively - particularly in Central Province - not just for commercial purposes, but generally, is the Assistant Minister being categorical that we should not plant these trees because they will cause the drying up of rivers? If that be the case, could he tell us what programme they have put in place to ... view


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