Getrude Musuruve Inimah

Parties & Coalitions

Getrude Musuruve Inimah

Nominated Senator representing Persons with Disabilities (PWD)

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 431 to 440 of 2453.

  • 22 Dec 2021 in Senate: Bi. Naibu Spika, wakenya lazima wajue kwamba tunaenda likizo lakini tutaendelea kuwa viongozi. Tukiwa likizo, nawaomba Maseneta wazidi kuwasiliana na wakaazi wa kaunti zao. Maswala ambayo hayendelei vizuri mashinani, tuyalete hapa Seneti ili wakenya waishi kwa amani. Ningependa kuwakumbusha wakenya kwamba ingawa tunaenda likizo wanafaa kuwa waangalifu. Huu ugonjwa wa COVID-19 si wa kuchukulia kiholela; ugonjwa huu unaambukiza kina mama, baba na kila mtu. Wakenya wanafaa kuwa waangalifu kwa kuvalia barakoa na kunawa mikono ili ugonjwa huu usiendelee kusambaa. Tunafaa kuchunga maisha ya wenzetu. view
  • 22 Dec 2021 in Senate: Nachukua fursa hii kukushukuru kwa kuwa tumeweza kuwa na mazungumzo mazuri mwaka huu hapa Seneti. Naishukuru Seneti kwa kuhakikisha kwamba ombi zinazoletwa na wakenya zinawekwa katika mstari wa mbele ya kuwa kila Mkenya anapata haki yake. Nawatakia Wakenya wote krismasi njema na mwaka mpya wenye mafanikio. Asante. view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to comment on this Report. I want to thank the Committee for coming up with it. It has done an in-depth Report that needs to be analyzed in a very sober manner. I thank the Committee because it engaged the key stakeholders. It has not just given a report from the Committee itself. Key stakeholders like the National Treasury, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAK) came on board with the Senate Committee. This is a Report that is engaging. Mr. Temporary ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: for the Financial Year 2022/2023. It has also rightly observed that the projections need to be achievable and projectable. This is because those projections will inform how the county governments will plan their activities. They are going to also inform how the county governments will plan development and ensuring that Article 43 of the Constitution concerning the rights of every Kenyan are achieved. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, when we talk about development, we consider schools, infrastructure, health centres et cetera . At the end of the day, we do not have people from mashinani trafficking to cities to look for ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: I agree that money must go to mashinani and the amount of money proposed in this Report should go as it is. I remember we had a strong debate about 35 per cent of monies going to the counties. This is one of the issues that was in the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI). Recently, I remember the President articulating that this is one of the things that must happen from the BBI; that 35 per cent of revenue needs to go to the counties. However, this amount of money is not enshrined in the law. There is need for this ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Kenyans must know and be alive to the fact that the Senate is here to defend Kenyans and county governments. Money must go to mashinani. The amount of money going to mashinani needs to be reasonable. Concerning the issue of borrowing, everyone has loans. To come up with any form of development, you must look for strategies, capital and ways of making investments that will generate money. When it comes to borrowing, it is not a big issue that the Government borrows. This borrowing should be with wisdom so that it does not cause ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I support this report. As the Senate, we have a mandate to ensure that we defend and support counties because that is where Kenyans are. We must defend Wanjiku. Even as we talk about this, I want to articulate something that I am seeing in Lugari where I come from. Some schools are in a deplorable state. You will find that some schools are constructed using mud. In this time and era, we should not have such schools. Kenya is developed. When you compare Kenya to other countries, you will find that the development that Kenya ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: and support the women. The life of women and children in mashinani matters. We will not rest until services reach wananchi . We will also not play the ostrich. When something goes wrong in mashinani, we should bring it on the Floor of this House. However, if we just bring issues on the Floor of this House and we do not act, then we are just toothless bulldogs, which should not be the case because we are an “Upper House”. view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: I support that there is need for more money to be taken to mashinani. Even the 35 per cent the President mentioned in his Address should be enshrined in law. He was not joking. He was very serious that there are three issues that need to be factored in; the issue of gender, the 35 per cent, and ensuring that everyone enjoys the national cake. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, this is our country and we have no other one to go to. We must ensure that we safeguard our rights, wananchi and deliver to Kenyans. That is why we are ... view
  • 21 Dec 2021 in Senate: Madam Deputy Speaker, I would like to thank Sen. Sakaja for this Motion. Coming up with the stadium in Dandora is a noble idea. That stadium will enable the youths in Dandora to engage in sports. Sports are good for physical and mental health. I once saw children from Dandora practice football and it is good for them to have a stadium that will allow them to engage in more sporting activities. Nairobi City County is a cosmopolitan County and many people make a stop in Nairobi as they travel to other places. This stadium will, therefore, benefit many people. ... view


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