Gideon Mutemi Mulyungi

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 21 to 30 of 218.

  • 5 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to ask Question No. 265/2021 to the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Education: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 5 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: (i) Could the Cabinet Secretary provide the current ratio of teachers to pupils for primary and secondary schools in Mwingi Central Constituency vis-à-vis the recommended ratio as stipulated in the Education Policy? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary provide the current total number of teachers in Mwingi Central Constituency in both primary and secondary schools vis-à-vis the total number required? (iii) What measures has the Ministry put in place to improve the performance and quality of education in the Constituency, which has largely been compromised by shortage of teachers? (iv) Considering that Mwingi Central Constituency is currently experiencing drought following the ... view
  • 7 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. I thank the Chair and his Committee for coming up with this innovative idea. Currently, appointment of foreign mission staff is not only haphazard but also very indiscriminate and political. This Bill will go a long way in not only regulating and streamlining appointments in Foreign Service but also in guiding the procedure of appointment, in creating fairness and equality and in rewarding competence and performance. The Bill provides for the duration and procedure of termination of service, so that one’s service cannot be terminated because somebody does ... view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Which list? view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Sorry, Hon. Deputy Speaker, you may need to protect me from my colleague, Hon. Wamalwa, because he is interrupting me. I rise to support this Motion. Where I come from, this Equalisation Fund is not equal as per the term “Equalisation.” The selection of the marginalised areas is not fair at all. The way it was done before was not fair at all. There are areas which have become more marginalised than they were before. The criteria used in identifying areas to benefit from the Equalisation Fund is biased. The decision makers are also biased. Who said marginalised areas are ... view
  • 6 May 2021 in National Assembly: I vote yes. view
  • 30 Mar 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to ask Question No.104/2021 in the Order Paper. The Question is directed to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy. (i) Could the Cabinet Secretary explain the policy guidelines and criteria used during identification of areas to be connected with electricity in the country? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary provide a list of areas connected with electricity since 2017 to date in Mwingi Central Constituency, indicating the identity of contracted firms, the contract sum, and dates of commencement and completion, number of transformers installed and those which became faulty thereafter? (iii) Could the Cabinet Secretary give ... view
  • 25 Mar 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Information Communication Technology, Innovation and Youth Affairs the following Question: - (i) Could the Cabinet Secretary explain the policy measures used to identify areas to be provided with mobile telephony networks connectivity in the country? (ii) Could the Cabinet Secretary provide a list of areas that have mobile connectivity provided by the leading mobile telephony service providers, including the areas with such services in Mwingi Central Constituency since 2017 to date? (iii) Could the Cabinet Secretary confirm whether public participation was carried out in accordance with Article 46 of ... view
  • 25 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: I have not grown taller, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I had asked this Question in the last Session. Therefore, I am reactivating it. view
  • 25 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I had asked this Question in the last Session. Therefore, I am reactivating it. It is directed to the CS for Water, Irrigation and Sanitation. (i) What plans has the Ministry put in place to construct and develop dams, boreholes and water pans in Mwingi Central Constituency? (ii) Could the CS submit a list of dams, boreholes, water pans and piped water supply lines constructed or developed by the National Government in Mwingi Central, Mwingi West and Mwingi North constituencies from the Financial Year 2017/2018 to date? view


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