8 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Is Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale in order to say that the President needs to uphold the Constitution and on the other side say that the Constitution being upheld by the court is a travesty? Is he in order to speak from both sides of his mouth?
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also seek to know whether a Petition was actually submitted by the demonstrators for the removal from office of Sen. Muthama and whether those demonstrators are aware of the procedure for the removal of a Senator so that we avoid the eventuality of people trying to get you out of your job unprocedurally and making nuisance at your place of work.
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, of late, when you see a copy of a Bill on a blue coloured paper, it means that it is a Senate Bill. If you receive a copy of a Bill on a green coloured paper, it means that it is a National Assembly Bill. Lately, we are getting printouts in various colours; some in green, pink, yellow, white and many others. What is the Clerk communicating to us when a paper is green in colour? Does it mean anything when a paper is pink in colour? Does it mean that we are expressing solidarity with people ...
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order Mr. Speaker, Sir. In light of the inflation, we want to know what practical steps the Government is taking to cushion Kenyans from the skyrocketing cost of living either in terms of setting the adjustments to taxation and other areas. We want to know what measures the Government is putting in place to cushion the Kenyan people from inflation. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir, as this Bill comes forth, I want you to make a constitutional interpretation or direction of what is the extent of reservation, which is the practice in the Commonwealth and other Parliaments around the world? Is reservation to the substance of the Bill that has been passed - where you note certain areas that will require amendments - or will reservations in a Presidential Memorandum include introduction of new sections that were not contemplate in the Bill as passed, in the first instance? Therefore, because it is a weighty constitutional argument, I ...
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
1 Oct 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, as you have said, this diary is on phone. I went to diaries on my phone and found that we had been given a date from the Speaker’s Office once again of another retreat by the Ministry of Devolution and Planning for the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and Committee of Devolved Government. I remember this retreat was postponed on the request of the Senate because we wanted to attend to the Parliament week which was scheduled on the 14th. I am asking the Office of the Clerk and the Office of the Speaker to ...
30 Sep 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, sir, I did not stand to debate this Motion. I understand and I am alive to the fact that it is a Procedural Motion and it is also with the Committee and we will get a comprehensive report as we progress. Given the fact that they are asking for an extension of time, it will be prudent to include anyone who thinks can add value in terms of general direction. We are not discussing the substantive debate, but for general direction, I want to say that when the Government has high stakes, for example in the Kenya ...
29 Sep 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.