4 Mar 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. It seems as if Sen. Keter and Sen. Murkomen are the only ones with curriculum vitae of the nominee beyond what has been presented here. I am not sure where all these facts are coming from.
4 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I thank you for this opportunity. I shall also be making certain reactions to the Report. First and foremost, I refer to the minutes of the Committee which actually did the vetting on 26th February, 2015. As I look at the minutes therein, the threshold the Committee set was similar to an interview of a Commissioner of Police in the old regime. This test that they applied fails the test of a modern Constitution, particularly as articulated under Chapter 14 of this Constitution. When this Constitution was being written, we had several issues that we wanted to ...
4 Mar 2015 in Senate:
We have to oppose this Report but yet again, we are unable to meet that test of impartiality. Mr. Speaker, Sir, equally under Article 245(5) of the Constitution, to further depoliticize the police force, every direction from the Cabinet Secretary (CS) must be in writing. Therefore, that shows that we are striving as a country to depoliticize and more importantly also to de-ethnicize and to professionalize the police force. A lot has been said about the qualifications of the nominee and I can tell you for a fact that those qualifications do not meet the criteria that is set that ...
4 Mar 2015 in Senate:
I did not need that cheering, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I can see that he is trying to say that my time is gone. This police force will continue to be politicized, ethnicized and be unprofessional. Some of you, who are seated on that side of the aisle, look at your conscience! We cannot continue to disenfranchise some of the regions and the societies that we come from, day in, day out, for political interest. Mr. Speaker, Sir, with those few remarks, I beg to oppose.
3 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, mine is a follow up question. People were armed by the Government and subjected to harms’ way by the Government. Therefore, why would the Government not compensate people who they have subjected to the line of fire? I think that by giving somebody a gun, it can be implied that there is some kind of contractual obligation and, therefore, is the Government then, in that circumstance, prepared to meet its scope of compensation particularly to reservists? Secondly, Mr. Speaker, Sir, when will the Government desist from using this particular line “investigations have been commenced” whenever they have ...
3 Mar 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also wanted you to guide the House. I rise particularly with respect to Standing Order No. 88, which is about anticipating of debate. Last Sunday, when I was scrolling through my newspaper; The Sunday Nation - you know, 90 per cent of Kenyans are said to trust the media - page 32 read: Senate unearths massive rot at varsity. As I read through, the report said that the investigation being carried out by the Senate Committee on Education has unearthed massive rot in the university. Therein was a picture of Sen. Karaba and the Vice-Chancellor of ...
26 Feb 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was in Naivasha and I recall that the reason for that meeting was not to finally agree on a formula, but to consult on that formula. We were promised that the CRA will subject that formula to further processes, like public hearings, then get feedback and then bring it back to us---
26 Feb 2015 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, my point of order is that---
24 Feb 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I reasonably have an image of how Sen. Ntutu looks like; his towering figure and usual position in the Senate. I just tried to say that he is not in the House now. However, the Senator for West Pokot, Sen. (Prof.) Lonyangapuo, insists that Sen. Ntutu is in this House. Can he please point to us who among the Members seated here is Sen. Ntutu? Is he in order to say that Sen. Ntutu is in the House when he could be in Muthaiga Police Station?
24 Feb 2015 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.