24 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I contributed to the debate on the Committee on Legislation on Royalties Accruing from Exploitation of Natural Resources in the Counties, but did not complete what I was saying at that point in time. I stopped at a point when I was saying that the idea of devolution in Kenya has been, by and large, about issues regarding resources. I have said this time and again; that; devolution was not intended to be about flags by our county governors. It was not intended to be about escorts for our county governors. It was intended to ...
24 Sep 2014 in Senate:
I want to repeat what Sen. Kembi-Gitura said that when Senators are consulting, you get very distracted. Therefore, I request Senators who are consulting to do so in low tones. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
23 Sep 2014 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, in due fairness, everything else must have been said, but I want to convey the public policy message. Men, women and institutions are judged in terms of character with respect to the judgements that they deliver and decisions they make. As much as we may not sit on the bench as judicial officers, we have people around the country with sufficient intellect and sufficient reason to make a determination whether a judgement has public appeal; it drives public policy or whether the judgement in its own manifestation is reasonable and accurate. What the Judiciary has continued to ...
23 Sep 2014 in National Assembly:
What is that?
22 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, thank you for this opportunity. I rise with similar hesitations as Sen. G.G. Kariuki in terms of the authority of the Senate but still with a lot of hope that the Senate can still put its act together as the principal guardian of devolution. At this point in time, surrender is not an option. As the Senate, we are duty bound to continue to propose all measures necessary towards the fulfilment of our mandate. This means that, as time progresses, we need to be extremely more creative in terms of circumventing the obstacles that are erected ...
22 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to thank the Mover and the Seconder of the Motion, Sen. Sang, who while commending me, said that we have put people under a lot of pressure. I have not put anyone under a lot of pressure. We must be creative as a Senate and, as respective Senators, we must stand together. If there is an issue that we must go to Laikipia County for, we must go as Senators. If there is something in Nandi County about oversight, we must go to Nandi County. If there is something about oversight in Makueni County, ...
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
They are called Women Representatives.
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, women in this country have fought long and hard to make certain quotas both at the National Assembly and at the Senate. Is it in order for my Chairperson of the CPAIC to totally ignore the women representatives in his contribution at this point?
2 Sep 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Sir. In the spirit of transparency, I just want to declare that I have abstained as the Senator for Mombasa County and voted “No” in the previous ones. This is because my hue and cry is the same; that whether you elongate or shorten the period or it stays as the Constitution stipulates, it does not The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
15 Aug 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to thank you for according me this opportunity---