Hassan Omar

Full name

Hassan Omar Hassan Sarai


23rd October 1975


The Director
The Senatorial Campaign Secretariat
P.O. Box 81168 - 80100









All parliamentary appearances

Entries 611 to 620 of 892.

  • 25 Jun 2014 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, first and foremost, I want to thank Sen. Halima for this Motion in its totality. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I just want to raise one particular issue about promoting equality through education. You do recall during the civil rights movement of the United States, education was used as a very paramount avenue to promote equality. For us to be able to give our children in this country a fighting chance and any form of hope in the future, we need to ensure that we promote education and make it accessible to all. In fact, it is ... view
  • 24 Jun 2014 in Senate: On a point of information, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. view
  • 24 Jun 2014 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I just want to inform Sen. Wetangula that when I was coming here, I saw a convoy of Wajir and Mandera leaders going to State House for a photo opportunity and, probably, to talk about the issues. view
  • 24 Jun 2014 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. Since what I wanted to say has been said, I will talk generally. First and foremost, I want us not to beat ourselves too hard on the fact that we do not agree on some of the fundamental issues. I think our The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 24 Jun 2014 in Senate: On a point of order, Madame Temporary Speaker. Sen. Murkomen mentioned my name immediately after the assertion that some of us accumulate wealth and power. In case he does that, I actually do not. So, the record of the Senate should be quite clear in that context. view
  • 19 Jun 2014 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is my hope and prayer that Mombasa does not sink in two decades. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Committee Chairperson did indicate that monies were, indeed, requested and work suspended. My understanding of a Government is that once a project has commenced, it is assumed that there are already funds allocated to these projects. That is why it is procured through the normal system and contracts are awarded to the procurement system. At what point did these funds get lost? Why is it that continually, one financial year after another, the Government has failed to allocate funds ... view
  • 19 Jun 2014 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, first and foremost, I want to commend my good friend, Sen. Wangari, for authoring such an important Bill that I think, fundamentally, shifts the balance of representation. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this Bill is very thoughtful to the extent of the chaos we witnessed in the nomination exercise of Members of the County Assemblies (MCAs) immediately after elections. We saw court battles, court orders, and interventions by the gender commission and so on, thus disenfranchising MCAs who were to be duly nominated to a point where they came in when almost all major decisions had been ... view
  • 19 Jun 2014 in Senate: I was saying Senators together. view
  • 19 Jun 2014 in Senate: Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. It is Sen. Wangari and the rest of the Senators. Do you think it is easy for you to be nominated through simple patronage without competence to come and stand against the onslaught of Sen. Murkomen who, probably, was one of the spirits of this Constitution? Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for us, therefore, to nominate people, we must also allow people who come with competences not be passengers in this ship, so that they are not ridiculed. If you are put in a sea that you cannot swim in, it is likely that people will ... view
  • 17 Jun 2014 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Whereas I respect the opinion of Sen. Wamatangi, is he in order to insinuate that part of the leadership today was not the leadership then at that time when we all know that the Director of Operations was Kimaiyo? view


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