17 Jun 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. That is a Kiswahili saying. Is the Senator in order to insinuate that somebody is calling for violence just by mere assertions?
3 Jun 2014 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, mine is just to say that we should not be very hard on Sen. Khaniri. As he was making his point of order, his first remarks were actually acknowledging the fact that he is not a lawyer. Therefore, he knew the probability of making a mistake in his interpretation.
15 May 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Sen. Billow tried to bring out a perception that we, in CORD, are the majority in the Public Accounts and the Public Investments Committee. That is not true. The composition constitutes six Members of the Jubilee Coalition and five Members of the CORD Coalition.
15 May 2014 in Senate:
On a point of information, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. The county of Mombasa is able to raise an estimated Kshs400 million monthly. This gives it an estimated Kshs4 billion which actually caters for its recurrent budget which is Kshs5 billion. The money allocated to Mombasa County in the last financial year as the revenue share was Kshs3.8 billion. In other words, from the monies that we were able to collect from revenues, we were able to pay salaries at Kshs4.2 billion. So, we had to do an additional Kshs400 million from the resources that we mobilized in Mombasa County. This ...
15 May 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Did I just hear Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale indicate that this Bill has gone through certain processes? I am quite new to Parliamentary procedures. Does that mean that if we did not critique a Bill at a certain stage, then someone is right to oppose it?
15 May 2014 in Senate:
This is a point of order. Is Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale to say that if we did not raise objections in the preliminary stages then we cannot do so at this stage? The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
15 May 2014 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I rise to oppose this Bill on the following grounds. I, as the representative of Mombasa County, cannot be put in a situation where constantly we are in a fait accompli kind of position, not only with respect to this figure of Kshs226 billion, but also in terms of the long-term disenfranchisement of Mombasa in the next five years in relation to the formula for allocation of revenue. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I have consulted the people who matter in the county, the government of Mombasa County and the Members of the County Assembly ...
15 May 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I have extreme respect for Sen. G.G. Kariuki. In fact, I had relegated the fact that he is Sen.No.001. However, constantly, Sen. G.G. has insinuated that some of us have spoken lesser but played politics. Is he in order to insinuate that whereas the Temporary Speaker has not ruled anybody out of order?
15 May 2014 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
15 May 2014 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Bw. Naibu Spika, wajua mimi natoka katika---