5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
the establishment of conflict resolution mechanisms that can effectively address disputes and tensions between the two communities; and, 12. Increase transparency in the allocation of resources and services to both local and refugee communities. Mr. Speaker, Sir, in conclusion, it is crucial that these issues are addressed conclusively, prioritizing the welfare and safety of both refugees and the local community. Collaboration between Government authorities, the UNHCR and relevant stakeholders is essential in finding sustainable solutions to these challenges to ensure the well-being of the Turkana and refugee communities and their generations to come. I thank you.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I have read the first Statement several times. I request that it be cancelled.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I have read it several times. Even the Cabinet Secretary has answered it several times.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise, pursuant to Standing Order No.53(1) to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Energy regarding inadequate electricity transmission infrastructure connecting major towns within Turkana County to the national grid connection. This is despite their close proximity to electricity generation plants. In the Statement, the Committee should- (1) Explain why major towns in Turkana County, including Lodwar, Lokori, Kerio, Kalokol, Lokitaung, Kakuma and Lokichoggio lack adequate electricity transmission infrastructure to ensure access to reliable electricity, despite their close proximity to electricity generation plants such as the Turkwel Hydroelectric Power Station. (2) Provide a ...
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I support this Motion of Adjournment. I am perplexed to see our colleagues talking about tribes and the President. To me, a bandit is a bandit, regardless of which community he comes from. His aim is to kill, destroy and damage. Terrorists and al-Shabaab cannot be defined by their tribes. They can only be defined by their actions. The role of the Government is to protect lives and property of its citizens. When the lives of the citizens are threatened who are we supposed to ask? As the Senate Majority Whip has said, there are departments ...
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
The President declared this issue. Let us not mention the President because he declared it the way we wanted. Where is the problem? It is the implementers of the policy and orders that we are supposed to ask why people are still being killed.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I do not want to be informed.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Yesterday, the Cabinet Secretary for Defence was here. I am just reading Article 241(3)(C) of the Constitution which says: “The Defence Forces may be deployed to restore peace in any part of Kenya affected by unrest or instability only with the approval of the National Assembly”.
5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
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5 Oct 2023 in Senate:
Between Uganda and Turkana County, there is no Kenya Defence Forces (KDF). Between Ethiopia and Turkana County, there is no KDF. Between Southern Sudan and Turkana County, there is only a few KDF. Who is protecting the territory of Kenya there? The people of Turkana County. We are not seeking for compensation. What we are seeking is for the Government to play its role. To tell you a stable case study in Southern Sudan, everybody even women, are well armed with sophisticated weapons. Everybody is an inspector or general of police. They kill the way they want. Then, on the ...