James Lomenen Ekomwa

Parties & Coalitions





All parliamentary appearances

Entries 151 to 160 of 735.

  • 5 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I am saying that the Government delayed in the disarmament of these bandits and terrorists. Now, the arms are in the hands of people who are not licensed to have them. When the Cabinet Secretary of Interior goes to a certain area, he finds it difficult to disarm them because the people will claim that “we are always killed, our properties taken yet there is no action taken.” So, they protect themselves, their lives and property until the Government takes action to ensure that there is enough security. We are saying that there is ... view
  • 4 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.52 (1) to make a Statement on a matter of county-wide and general topical concern, namely, The effects of Climate Change and the Mitigation Strategies in Turkana County. I wish to draw the attention of the Senate to the severe impact of climate change that has befallen the Turkana community. Climate change is the extreme weather patterns and has inflicted profound suffering upon our people, the majority of whom rely on pastoralism for their livelihoods. It has caused loss of lives due to devastating floods, decimated our livestock through ... view
  • 4 Oct 2023 in Senate: Consequently, the County has experienced droughts, flies and intense rainfall as observed hazards. These hazards pause a growing threat to our agriculture sector. Drought and high temperatures in particular, constitute significant dangers to Turkana County. They result in pasture loss, livestock starvation, depletion of water sources and conflicts among pastoralists fighting for dwindling resources. In contrast, the heavy rains experienced in Mt. Elgon and West Pokot regions along with the intense rainfall over the short periods, leads to floods. However, Turkana County’s ability to adapt to climate change has been hampered by inadequate resources and poor coordination among various institutions. ... view
  • 4 Oct 2023 in Senate: sustainable future for Turkana County and ensure the well-being of our community and generations to come. I thank you. view
  • 4 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I rise, pursuant to Standing Order No. 53 (1), to seek a Statement from the Standing Committee on Roads, Transportation and Housing on the status of construction of the Lodwar Court Building in Turkana County. In the Statement, the Committee should: (1) Provide an update on the status of construction of the Lodwar Court Building, stating reasons for the prolonged delay in completing the project and the expected timeline for completion. (2) Indicate financial or logistical challenges faced, if any, contributing to the project’s stagnation, highlighting strategies in place to address the challenges and ... view
  • 4 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity. First and foremost, I thank the Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Duale. He is my close friend, but I have missed him in this Chamber for so long because I have been having several questions for him. I know he has been so busy. Going straight to the point, Turkana County is 77,000 square kilometers. It borders Ethiopia in the area of Kibish, Southern Sudan at Nadapal and Uganda at Lokiriama. Something that is so unique that the Cabinet Secretary is supposed to know is that Pokots are dual citizens. They fight in ... view
  • 3 Oct 2023 in Senate: Thank you Mr. Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity concerning your Communication and the issue of Senate Mashinani in Turkana. I want to register my appreciation to all the colleague Senators and staff who went for Senate Mashinani on behalf of Turkana County. Most of the wananchi were very happy. Most have watched Senators on television and in newspapers but at that time they saw them live. They have been hearing of Speaker Amason Kingi but now they got an opportunity to see you there. You left Turkana County different from how it was when you came. When the Senators led ... view
  • 3 Oct 2023 in Senate: The Turkana community have appealed that if God gives another opportunity, kindly consider Turkana County again. The Bible says that we have fallen short of God’s glory. We held a match in that area. The area is very vast; 77,000 kilometers square. One week or four days could not be enough. We only covered a quarter of the areas in the county with all the committees and sessions in the Senate. Next time, before we go as the whole Senate, I suggest that the Senate committees should go there first then the entire Senate joins so that they get details--- view
  • 3 Oct 2023 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise pursuant to Standing Order No. 52(1) to make a Statement on a matter of countrywide and general topical concern, namely the Untapped Potential of Lake Turkana’s Blue Economy. As we gather for the 3rd Senate Sitting outside Nairobi, hosted in the heart of Turkana County, I wish to draw the attention of the Senate to a matter of immense significance for our region and the entire region - the untapped potential of Lake Turkana’s blue economy. The first potential of this natural treasure remains largely unexplored and its development could be a catalyst for economic ... view
  • 3 Oct 2023 in Senate: benefits. Four, enhancing water transport on Lake Turkana can unlock trade routes, reducing transportation costs and foster regional integration. Mr. Speaker, Sir, in order to fully realize the opportunities, the following challenges need to be addressed: (1) the lake faces environmental threats such as pollution and siltation which jeopardizes the aquatic life and the fragile ecosystem. It is imperative that we prioritize stringent regulations and sustainable practises to safeguard our natural heritage; (2) inadequate infrastructure including roads that hinder the movement of goods and people around the lake limiting its economic potential; and, (3) the Turkana Community has historically been ... view


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