Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2771 to 2780 of 3143.

  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I thank the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research and Members of the Committee for their good work. This Sessional Paper will put in place the legal framework for the new curriculum. view
  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: With the new curriculum, there are many fears from both Members of Parliament and members of the public. Indeed, I want to quash those fears. Time for change comes and education system curricula always have to be changed, depending on the atmosphere and the changes that have occurred. This curriculum does not just address the issue of competence. It also seeks to align the education system to the Constitution in a holistic manner. I am happy that Hon. Sankok has mentioned issues of people with disabilities and how we are taking care of The electronic version of the Official Hansard ... view
  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: them. He has also talked about access, quality and a holistic education system. I am also very happy with Members for appreciating the fact that not everybody must learn and become a doctor or a lawyer. The 8-4-4 System of Education was good, but it did us good at that time. The history of formal education in Kenya dates back to the times of the colonial government. During that time, formal education was used to produce cheap labour for the market that was available. When we got Independence, formal education was used to produce manpower to fill up the vacancies ... view
  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Do you know that even as we struggle with exams in schools all the exams are on the phone? You can answer all exams that are set by just having a smart phone and Googling. Like when did Vasco Da Gama arrive in the East African Coast? You can Google and get an answer. So, we must stop and get into a more practical system where we can ask a student to draw or design for us an environmentally-friendly market in Nairobi. That is where we are moving education to. So, I want to remove the fears that Kenyans have ... view
  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: There is need to make everybody part and parcel of this system. Everybody should be aware of it. It should not be done in a way that some teachers are interdicted while some are in prison for it to work. We can still have the system by putting everybody onboard and everybody becomes a supporter of the system, understands it and cheers it up. So, that is one thing. Like the Chair indicated, we shall ask the Minister to implement it moving forward, so that it becomes a system for all Kenyans and not a system for just a few. view
  • 24 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise under Standing Order No.97. County government issues affect all of us, as we have seen from the Mover and the Seconder. They range from tax matters, delivery of service, roads, hospitals, oversight issues and the rogue Senators. I ask, through your kind Chair, that we reduce the time for Members to speak to three minutes, so that everyone gets a chance. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, for saving my chance from the Adam Smiths of the House. From the outset, I support the Finance Bill. I followed keenly when the Mover was moving it. There is no taxation without representation. So, every tax that Kenyans pay must have value for their own benefits. Therefore, we expect that as the Government broadens its net for tax collection, it also makes sure that the taxes go specifically to mwananchi at the village and everybody else. view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I would also wish to say at the outset that there is no need of loading a Finance Bill, which is basically a Bill about issues of finance, tax collection, how to raise funds and so on, with other baggage. The baggage makes the Bill a difficult topic, so that at any given time, even Members of the National Assembly will be thinking of killing such a Bill at an early stage yet it is a very important Bill. So, as we wait for the ruling of the Speaker tomorrow, I would wish to add my voice, which I should ... view
  • 18 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I want to critique the Mover of this Motion. The Chair and the Vice-Chair are here. I should have seen institutions of collecting revenue and taxes strengthened to achieve the means that we want to achieve. I did not see much of that. I hope as we absorb this Bill, we shall make amendments that can strengthen these institutions and reduce wastages as far as tax collection is concerned. view


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