Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2791 to 2800 of 3143.

  • 17 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 17 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I think the presentation by the Chair of Budget and Appropriations Committee was so good. It woke up my mind on the many reasons why some Kenyans sometimes demean Parliament. Partly, why we are demeaned is because we look like we lack the capacity to oversee the monies which remain with the national Government, other Government agencies and departments. That is why they fight us. This discourse is very good for us and because of time limits, I will deal with one aspect. Could we as Parliament in this discussion look at how the money is ... view
  • 17 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: should scrutinise this Budget properly. Do we have the capacity to consume Kshs3 trillion in 12 months? It could just be a… view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Deputy Speaker, it is not anything that should disturb the Member. We are following him keenly. Is it in order that he becomes louder? We want to listen to him. Thank you. view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this particular chance to make a few comments on the Bill that has been presented before us by Hon. Jude Njomo. When I talked to him in the morning, like he indicated to the House, there were fears amongst us and many Kenyans that this Bill was supposed to negate the tag of 4 per cent that had been introduced to cap interest rates. But upon the Mover explaining to us, I want to thank him for having continued the work of Joe Donde as a defender of Kenyans on the ... view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: At the outset, I fully support the clear definition of what the maximum interest rates should be. I also support the base rate which is now clearly defined so that there is no ambiguity. Indeed, I also thank the courts because there was some ambiguity in the law. It is because by the time it was being passed, there was fear among the parliamentarians that it would be refused at one point or another. We have a chance of removing ambiguities especially when we talk about the rates and penalties. This is because a rogue bank can just pay the ... view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: I think Parliament has matured since the time we began. We have gone through that storming stage and we are now in the normalising stage. We should now be performing. When The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: the Finance Bill comes here, we should perform for Kenyans and not for our parties. Therefore, this law is good but it must capture other players who have been talked about. I do not want to over-emphasise Fuliza . Those platforms and other shylocks that are lending money to Kenyans are just circumventing this law and yet, when you look at it very clearly, it includes individuals. So, as this law becomes operational, I ask the implementers that we capture all institutions that are lending money to Kenyans so that they can also operate within the 4 per cent lending ... view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: The threat that was mentioned here yesterday that reduction of the per centum interest on lending has made it difficult for the banks to give money to SMEs is a fallacy that is created by the banks themselves. I am a student of economics at my own level and I know that once the lending rates were reduced, we should have seen more money being given to SMEs. So, this is being done intentionally. Could we go back and look at the times of President Kibaki? He inherited one of the weakest economies in Kenya after retired President Moi. He ... view
  • 11 Sep 2019 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I thank you. I totally support this law. I ask the House to also remain hawk-eyed when the Finance Bill is brought to the House. view


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