20 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I support the nomination of Prof. Magoha to be appointed Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education. All his good attributes have been stated, but I want to remind him that his job at the Ministry is well cut. There is the new education curriculum that is wanting. We are not sure what will be happening. The textbook policy is a challenge in the Ministry now. Schools are now being flooded with books, including books they do not need. The National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) is wanting while at the same time luck of birth certificates, which ...
20 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
More importantly, Prof. Magoha is a man who has a lot of precision in surgery. He is now going to an area where that precision must be seriously harmonised with other factors. The
20 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
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20 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
education sector demands public participation. It also demands that one shares the interests of the people. The stakeholders in the education sector are very many. The teachers’ unions have been alluded to, but there are also many stakeholders including parents’ associations and the students’ councils, which must also be listened to. The stature he gives is that of arrogance. I have seen many speakers here try to harmonise that stature. They could have used the word “assertive”. I want to believe that the word “assertive” does not have the same meaning as “arrogance”. As he moves to the Ministry of ...
19 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. You dealt with it but I wanted to bring out the idea of having an inventory where the Chairs can bring the performance of the Questions to the plenary of the House. Since I came here, none of the Questions that I have asked have been answered. When you ask Questions, back at home, people take you seriously. You boast that you will ask a Question on a certain matter only to bring it here and then it frizzles away. Asking of the Question becomes the end of the business that you wanted to do. An ...
19 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker.
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I want to add my voice to that of the petitioner on education issues, especially the primary school co-curricular activities together with secondary school co-curricular activity so that the Committee looks at it entirely when it will be looking at this. Currently, the Government has moved from the cognitive curriculum that was mainly giving a lot of emphasis to the cognitive skills to the competence based curriculum (CBC). In the CBC co-curricular activities become extremely important because they are developing the learner’s skills on psychomotor and other level of skill development which are important. ...
13 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I beg to give notice of the following Motion: THAT, aware that Article 53(1)(b) of the Constitution provides that every child has a right to free and compulsory basic education; further, aware in addition to providing free and compulsory education the Government is also implementing the free tuition secondary education; appreciating the Government’s policy of achieving 100 per cent transition of pupils from primary to secondary schools; concerned that this policy has resulted in a stretch and strain on school infrastructure and facilities as a result of the large numbers of students admitted in ...
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
(Emuhaya, ANC)): Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. I rise to support this Petition. It is true that the teachers entered into an agreement with the Government that was led by then Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General, Adongo. In 1997, the Government was supposed to have paid them their full dues, but due to the fact that the Government said it was unable to pay the dues at once, it was paid in small bits within a period, originally, an agreement of five years and later extended to 10 years. When these teachers finally retired, some of ...
6 Mar 2019 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to ask the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Interior and Coordination of National Government the following Question: (a) Is the Cabinet Secretary aware of the alarming level of insecurity in Emuhaya Constituency over the past three years and, in particular, in Esibuye, Esirulo, Kilingili, Illungu, Mwichio markets, whereby killings, robberies and burglaries have been on a steady rise with the most recent incident being the killing of eight people by a gang that attacked Kilingili and Illungu markets on Saturday, 2nd March 2019? (b) What measures, if any, has the Ministry put in place to enhance ...