17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, this is something we must talk about. That is all that musicians depend on; the work of their hands. Media houses are quick to get money for advertising from their sponsors but they do not relay it back to the artists. I support the media completely, but there are certain things that we must talk about. If you look at many of our journalists today in radio and television stations and the people out here in our media centre, many of them were put on half pay and it has not gone back despite the pandemic easing. ...
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
For a song to be produced, a producer, an artist, a sound technician, an engineer and many other people are involved and their families depend on that one song. Even as we enjoy it, let us remember that artists require something to reflect.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
In many countries, the creative sector is the biggest employer. In Nigeria, the second highest employer is Nollywood after agriculture. This is because the Government has invested in the creative sector. In Bollywood in India, they have also invested.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
I urge our media houses that we should have 60 per cent local content on our radio and television stations. I know this was a pledge by the Jubilee Party when it was still The National Alliance (TNA). I hope those who are running for presidency will remember. Let us not just use our artists as tokens.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Our radio stations must play Kenyan music. In fact, in Nigeria, for them to create that huge economy in the creative industry, during the watershed period, which is between 7.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.m., the local content quarter is 90 per cent.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
When they began, people were wondering where they would get the music and shows from. It spurred people to go and produce music and act. Right now they are exporting--- The richest people you can find there, apart from the oil barons, are musicians and actors. We can do the same in this country.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Let it not be because it is easier not to pay royalties for foreign music and that is why the moment you wake up, what you hear is music from the USA or Nigeria. When you switch on your television, you watch Alejandro or Mexican soap operas, yet our young people are just idle. Right now when you go to the Kenya National Theatre
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
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17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
(KNT), you will find many of them there with guitars. That is why many of them are getting into drugs.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
I am a supporter of media and media freedom. Even as we applaud radio, let us see how to partner and balance in terms of how they make sure that our artistes and the creative sector and economy get the value for the work they are doing.