Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 221 to 230 of 5036.

  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: Madam Deputy Speaker, I was tempted not to raise it but from the way Sen. Kang’ata has finished, it might leave on the record that there is something that the Senate has not done. Is Sen. Kang’ata in order to say that there is a requirement for a borrowing framework and yet the Constitution does not state that? If anything, what the Constitution provides for in Article 212 is that a county government may borrow only if the national Government guarantees the loan and with the approval of the county government’s Assembly. view
  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: Madam Deputy Speaker, counties have been borrowing. If you look at many of our counties, they take overdrafts, which is a form of borrowing. In fact, the issue is that they have taken overdrafts without the national Government guaranteeing. The Laikipia County has an infrastructure bond, which has been guaranteed. Maybe it is the framework for guaranteeing but there is nothing currently stopping county governments from borrowing. view
  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: On a light note though, Sen. Kang’ata, I would be very worried if Murang’a County will borrow to pay salaries. That is the last thing we should do. We are castigating the national Government for borrowing to pay salaries but counties should never borrow to pay salaries. We should not allow that. Let us borrow for infrastructure. view
  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: However, there is no legal framework the Constitution has asked to be put in place by the Senate on borrowing that has not been done. I wanted to set that record clear. view
  • 22 Feb 2022 in Senate: Madam Deputy Speaker, without making it a back and forth, what Sen. Kang’ata has said is right; that an Act of Parliament shall prescribe that guarantee. That Act of Parliament exists and is called the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012. Cap 18 of the Act gives provisions in a few lines but that is the Act of Parliament envisaged. It was not going to be an Act of Parliament specifically called the National Government Guarantees Act. If you go through the PFM Act, there is that provision. What we need to do is to streamline the process that it ... view
  • 17 Feb 2022 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, this is a good Statement. I did not know there is a World Radio Day. For many of us, every day is a world radio day view
  • 17 Feb 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 17 Feb 2022 in Senate: because radio is the most effective way through which we get to our people and listen to them too. view
  • 17 Feb 2022 in Senate: In some of our counties that are extremely expansive in terms of population, for instance, Nairobi City County, which has 4.9 million people and 2.9 million voters, the only way you can get to them is through radio. You cannot do enough roadshows on trucks or meet them in town halls. You need radio. I really acknowledge the role they play, not just in terms of information, but also entertainment. That is the only point I want to make. As of today, media houses owe our musicians Kshs0.5 billion in unpaid royalties. The creative sector is a serious economic frontier. ... view


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