21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Members of my Committee will tell you that this is a matter we have already begun deliberating on. We discussed it in our last meeting when we were working on our work plan. In fact, we had suggested that we bring it closer and deal with it in the next two weeks because of the urgency of the issue.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Listening to Senators speaking about this, I have two options: One, following Standing Order No.48, just as we had planned as a Committee, we could invite the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of the National Government, the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and a few other agencies to come to our Committee next week. Then, we will be able to give a response. We will also invite the Senator and give a response in 14 days.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, alternatively, based on the kind of interest we have seen, we can have a sitting of the Committee with the relevant stakeholders, Ministries and agencies here in the Chamber. We ask for your guidance; whether to go by Standing Order No.48 or your direction.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to contribute to that Statement because it is affecting young people. I am the Chairman of the Young Parliamentarians Association (YPA) and I believe I am also the Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Social Welfare that---.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
He has finished, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Even as I do that, I regret that we have stretched our understanding of Standing Order 96 of our own rules. I know what happened in Kisii County was not the best but, even as a House, let us stand by our The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
rules. The adverse mention of the Chief Justice is not permitted. If we want to discuss him, let us bring a substantive Motion. In addition, what is good for the goose must be good for the gander. You cannot say that the Chief Justice should not attend political meetings, yet speakers are attending them from both divides. Let it be the same. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, on that Statement on education, I want to thank Sen. Wetangula. A country that is at war with its young people is a country that has no future and is cannibalizing itself. Today, our ...
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
is not yours, it is taken and you have to pay Kshs25,000 to get it back. You open a kibanda in Nairobi County, the City County askaris are on you; you are arrested. You get into a matatu you are arrested. Let us become serious. The youths are the trustees of our country’s posterity and we do not want a generation that is growing up in this country trying to get even because we will not survive. So, I pray that the Chair of the Committee on Education who is here The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is ...
21 Feb 2019 in Senate:
and he is a great gentleman, together with the Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human rights, because we have taken up the issue of extra-judicial killings with my Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Affairs and we want to do it together with them. Let us return hope to this country and resist any such retrogressive proposals coming from whichever quarters or individuals. If you had a HELB loan, come up with a mechanism as Government to find out whether that young person has gotten a job and it is simple; implement the laws that we are passing ...
19 Feb 2019 in Senate:
On a point of information, Madam Temporary Speaker.