Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3861 to 3870 of 5036.

  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I know the good Senator and Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Lands and Natural Resources is a very experienced member of this House. He has been in Parliament when some of us were in school. When he utters a word such as the one he uttered, “nuisance”, it might be unparliamentarily but maybe you should guide us on what is the parliamentary equivalent of nuisance. This is because there is something that he must have been trying to communicate---. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir. I am just asking for the parliamentary equivalent. You know, in Swahili language we call it tasfida --- view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, this statement is not new. It was requested earlier. I am just getting it because I know I had it. There are certain statements that we have been trying to follow up from the Ministry Of Interior and Coordination of National Government. They have all been ready. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, actually in the next few minutes, I will just confirm. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, on this one we had even discussed with the Senator who asked. Unfortunately, I cannot see him in the House to confirm. He was to attend our interrogation of the same from the relevant Ministry. Kindly, you can maybe indulge us so that when he is back in the Senate we can issue the statement. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Chairperson, Sir, I think we need to do some cleaning. This is part of the statements that have been responded to in this House.We responded to this statement on the status of youth unemployment by Sen. Prengei. In addition, we asked him to also join us as we interrogated the matter with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, unless the response is unsatisfactory. If Members will remember, some of the questions that were being asked were very straightforward such as what the rate of unemployment was and what the Government is doing to solve the unemployment problem. We ... view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am sorry I have to take you back or even apologise on behalf of other chairs. Members will confirm that I always have answers. I have Sen. Pareno’s statement while Sen. Ledama’s answer is on its way. If you allow me, I will start with the response to Sen. Pareno’s statement so that we can move it out of the Order Paper. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, part of the problem is that many times we come with all these responses in files, we are never called and so, the day that you get to us, we do not have the responses but I have answers, Sen. Pareno has --- view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I do not think Sen. (Dr.) Zani has understood what I was saying. I was just asking for permission to give response to statements requested by Senators who are present in the House; as I currently am also present in the House. As you have said, I think those matters are pressing to the people of a county. I have the answers here. I am begging to give a response. view
  • 10 May 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would never imagine to get into Sen. (Dr.) Zani’s mind but I can only judge it by its output which is what she is saying. I am only begging. It might be strange in this House for a Chair to beg profusely for an opportunity to respond to statements asked by Senators. That is all. view


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