Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Parties & Coalitions





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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4031 to 4040 of 5036.

  • 6 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we were informed that this matter was referred to a different Committee. That is the information we have from our Clerk. view
  • 6 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the matter is serious and needs a response. This is because there was direction given from the Office of the Speaker as well as that of the Clerk. That is the direction we are relying on in terms of who it was referred to. However, we will be very much willing to deal with the matter as the direction was given. view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker Sir. view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. I have been carefully listening to the good Senator from Kitui County. Is he in order to say that the people of West Pokot did the people of Ukambani a great favour by having one of their people, Sen. Poghisio as the Chairman of Wiper Democratic party? I thought that Wiper Democratic party is a parliamentary party that is national. Is the Senator confirming the fears that we have heard that Wiper is an Ukambani party? view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: Meaning, the favour was done to the people of Ukambani so that we can strike it off from the list of parliamentary parties; or did the people of West Pokot do Kenyans as a whole a favour? Kindly, you are confirming the fears that we have heard for a while. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: Thank you Mr. Speaker, Sir. I also want to thank the good Sen. (Rev.) Waqo for requesting for this Statement. I do not think that any Member can overemphasize the impact of cancer. As the Chairperson seeks for responses from the relevant authorities, he should also consider the issue of pollution of our rivers. It has been proven that there are certain carcinogenic effluents that are let out in a lot of our rivers. That is a high cause of cancer in many informal settlements. We have four main rivers. I would like them to ask what is being done ... view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: the University of Nairobi at Chiromo Campus. A lot of effluents from the School of Medicine goes straight into the river. It then goes down to Grogan where we have the mechanics, before it proceeds to Gikomba. There are many settlements along the river. There is also Mathare River in Huruma and we know of Getathuru. We are seeing what is happening in Kirichwa River that Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. talked about. That is Kirichwa kubwa and Kirichwa ndogo . Can we also get a response from the Ministry charged with environment on what they are doing, together with the ... view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, apart from the resultant effects on the issues that Sen. Dullo is asking about, the substantive matter of that statement lies with the Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries or the Committee on Devolved Government and Intergovernmental Relations, but not the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. view
  • 22 Feb 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is a point of order because it is not in order to direct that Statement to the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations, because we want to deal with the substantive issues like the causes of drought, livestock up-take et cetera . It will be in order to direct that Statement to the right Committee. view


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