Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 131 to 140 of 1132.

  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: road there is an international one, which we read about when we were young kids, the great north road, the Athi River-Namanga Road, but it is not part of Kajiado. So, we do not have tarmac roads. There are marginalized areas like Pokot, Turkana and some parts of Suba like where my friend comes from. That is why he is with us here; they are totally marginalized. I plead with this House; let us pass this amendment, so that these marginalized areas can be brought to the same standard as the rest of Kenya. With those few remarks, I support. view
  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, very much hon. Speaker. I also stand to support this Report and Motion. I would like to thank the Committee for bringing this report early enough so that the Appropriation Bill can be enacted and certain developments and security issues can be taken care of. I want to echo the position of my colleague, hon. Shill. Without security, there is no development. Therefore, the security sector has been given a raw deal. You remember the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee came before this House and demanded that Committees must submit recommendations with regard to the Ministries ... view
  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, on the issue of National Intelligence Service, they are the ears and eyes of this Republic. We are facing the threat of espionage, subversion, sabotage and terrorism. That needs to be the concern of everyone for this country to be secure. They have requested for some funds so that they can execute their mandate. It is something that I have not seen in this Report. I think it is very important that this Parliament, which is The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from ... view
  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: the representative of the people and the security of the people, must come out and say: “We need this money so that these Ministries can perform.” Hon. Speaker, when you look at the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, there are issues of mobility and communication within the Police Force. You will hear that something is happening and you cannot move. We are being told, surprisingly enough, that there is money sitting in the banks - Kshs82 billion, which the governors are not able to plunder. That money should be brought and be given to very needy areas. ... view
  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: I said National Intelligence Service (NIS). I am actually the founder member, if you want to know. This is a fact. Hon. Speaker, I wish the Leader of Majority Party could understand what an operation is. I am talking about what the department in this Ministry presented to our Committee. These are things which were given. What we are saying is what they told us. As it stands now, they cannot move. For example, we did get the Chairmanship of the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can ... view
  • 26 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: East African Community. The President is travelling and he is using the Defence money and that of Foreign Affairs. That money has not been budgeted for. Hon. Speaker, the Leader of Majority Party, as the face of the Government on the Floor of the House, really needs not cut or gag the requests by the Committee as presented by the Ministries. With those very few remarks, while I respect my colleague, the Leader of Majority Party. I hope he will send this message to the Government as proposed. I support this Motion. Thank you. view
  • 25 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Speaker. On 13th February, 2014, I sought a statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security and he did promise to give a The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 25 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: statement last Thursday. On 20th this month, I alerted the Chair and he again promised to deliver it today. The HANSARD will bear me out because you actually gave direction. Hon. Speaker, this was a very straightforward statement and even on 20th February, 2014, I said that it is a straightforward matter. There could be something this Ministry could be hiding, and you actually asked me what I was going to do if there was nothing hidden. A straightforward thing is now taking four weeks. Hon. Speaker, this is a right for my people and that is why we are ... view
  • 25 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, that is important. view
  • 25 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: I know. view


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