Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 181 to 190 of 1132.

  • 4 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: You are the Temporary Deputy Chairlady in the House. You are the Chair to guide this House and not to gag the House. By the way, you raised a very important issue this afternoon. You have gone back there yourself. view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: What I am saying--- view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I stand to support this amendment and I would like to thank the Chairman of the Committee for bringing it. This is a House of rules and with representatives of people, we need to know what was in the Report and, therefore, this amendment is meant for that report to come to this House. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, the TJRC was meant--- view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. The TJRC was meant to bring a report which will heal this country and, therefore, it is very important for this Parliament to read it and make recommendations according to what is necessary for this country. I support this amendment because in that Report, there are certain sections which were done shoddily and it is important that the representatives of the people as required by the Constitution should tell them the truth and, therefore, the report should reconcile this country. It should bring unity to this country. It is not meant to bring disunity ... view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: very brilliant friend of mine who has articulated the most important areas which we need to look into. So, we wanted to know whether the recommendations made on historical injustices are in the Report. So, that is why it is very important that this Report should come to this House. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, when you look at the issue of land, and you know I speak for the larger majority, the real owners of this country – the Maa people – we want to know whether the Report is recommending benefits for the people whose land has been taken ... view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: We said that we should not discuss the Report. I read the Report and there are certain areas which are very shoddy. I have to mention this. I was a young Major in the Army and the Army was assigned to go and perform a national duty. Just because I am a Member of Parliament and I was an Assistant Minister for Defence, the Commissioners erred. In fact, they apologised later although there was no need for apology because my name is in the Report. This amendment will give me the opportunity to clear my name. So, it is very ... view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: To come back to the amendment, it is very important that Kenyans are given the opportunity to reconcile this country, compensate the people who were damaged by the State and also the families of the people who disappeared. We want to know whether those recommendations are in the Report. It is very important that this amendment is there. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment, so that this country can heal and we can move it forward. view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I support. view
  • 27 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I also stand to support this very important Bill; in doing so let me say that we need to first identify who is a hero. In this country today, there are many people who claim to be heroes when they are not. Doing your job does not make you a hero; it is doing your job beyond the call of duty that makes you a hero. When you look at what has been happening in our country, the issue of conferment of honours and awards has been totally upside down. This Bill came at ... view
  • 27 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: A person has come from the streets, but because of his political party he is awarded an EGH, when people who have served this country and brought it glory are given Head of State Commendation (HSC). Can you imagine that kind of unfairness? Look at the fellow whose performance has brought the whole world on its feet when the Kenya National Anthem is sang; our sportsmen are the heroes. Look at a fellow like Manu Chandaria who has contributed a lot in philanthropy; that is a hero, as far as I am concerned. You remember the guy from--- I am ... view


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