Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 491 to 500 of 1132.

  • 23 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, on 29th October, 2011, I had the opportunity to host the Right Hon. Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya in my constituency at Namanga. The Prime Minister himself undertook to ensure that the two Ministries; the Ministry of Livestock Development and the Ministry of Agriculture, take that matter seriously to ensure that AFC is cushioned so that the livestock farmers or the farmers who had loans with the AFC, the loans would be waived. The Chairman of AFC was asked by the Prime Minister to address the gathering and he promised that if the ... view
  • 23 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. You know that I am a farmer and I lost over 80 per cent of my livestock and everybody else in my constituency also lost the same. While I was making a contribution, my brother came in. I was saying that he should be here to listen to the representatives of the people. We are not just talking here but representing the people because they are suffering. view
  • 23 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, from today, we want you to make a ruling that until the Government makes a decision on this issue, farmers should not be harassed for being unable to pay the loans to the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC). I know, as I said earlier, that the Prime Minister undertook to ensure that the Cabinet Paper that was being prepared by the two Ministries reaches the Cabinet. The sooner it reaches the Cabinet the better, so that our people are relieved of this burden. view
  • 23 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to congratulate the Mover and the Seconder for this very important Motion. view
  • 23 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: I beg to support. view
  • 15 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to support this Motion. view
  • 15 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is immoral. I belong to the Government, but I was shocked when I saw hon. Wavinya Ndeti trying to defend her people and even the monster--- A particular individual brought a machine down and tried to hit a Government Assistant Minister! The Government is supposed to defend the people and their property, but this time the Government destroyed the property of the citizens. view
  • 15 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: I belong to the Government, but this time, I stand by the people because what was done was very wrong. The Government must compensate these people; the Government must ensure that these people, who are now IDPs created by the Government, are given proper accommodation until compensation is paid. view
  • 15 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, with those few remarks, I support the Motion. view
  • 10 Nov 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also stand to oppose the amendment. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, we cannot base the leadership of the commission on ethnicity. This is a new Kenya. We must move on as a country. We cannot base this on ethnicity. Looking at the credentials of Prof. Maria Nzomo, you will appreciate that she was born a Mkamba but her mother was a Kikuyu married in Ukambani. She was born in Ukambani. She has national face. She was married to a Luhya. So, she is a universal citizen of this country. Even the two Principals are ... view


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