Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 61 to 70 of 1132.

  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, so when we say we are going to entrust Safaricom, then it is dangerous. On page 17, they say they are not competent. So, I think due diligence needs to be done on that system. As I said, because of the new amendments, we need to go back to the drawing board. We cannot rush the security of this country. My friend hon. Jamleck Kamau, in his contribution, talked about the business. Before we come to business, we must address security. Once we get security right, then we can say who can get what or who can sell ... view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: There was a quick change of Chair and, sometimes, you need to report to Members so that they know who is in the Chair, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I think this report, for the sake of security of Kenyans, needs to be relooked afresh. In all the regions and the whole country, we should stop looking at the issue of money. That project is going to cost between Kshs15 to 20 billion. Even if it was to cost a trillion, so long as citizens are safe and safeguarded, then we will be in a position to really guarantee the security ... view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. That is not a point of order. First, why I am saying this is because in this report, the so-called experts have not been shown. So, we do not know who they are. Second, this amendment is suggesting that we consider the country in totality, while the report only indicates Nairobi and Mombasa. So, we are talking in the context of the Motion of the report as amended. I want to say this: Safaricom and those who recommended it should not smile because this is not over yet. We, as this House, are not ... view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I am contributing to the report as amended and I wonder: Do we want the security of Kenya at heart or we want to defend the money? That is because it seems like you people are working for Safaricom. view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: ( Applause ) view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: I want to tell you and this is very serious; we are debating this report as amended for the benefit of Kenya and not for the benefit of Safaricom. That is because, first, Safaricom is not Kenyan-owned. It is Vodafone-owned and, therefore, you want to tell me that we will The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: be entrusting the security of this nation to a foreign company. So, as we debate this, I want to urge my colleagues, please, let us have Kenya as priority number one and not money or companies. With those few remarks, I want this report to go back to the drawing board and come back to this House for debate. view
  • 26 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Deputy Speaker. view
  • 14 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to say that I want to “ okoa Kenya. view


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