Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 91 to 100 of 1895.

  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: I also want to appreciate the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of our country. They tried all diplomatic means to sort out and iron out these issues at a very early stage, but they all failed. As we speak today, I am aware the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has formally made a diplomatic protest against the treatment we are receiving from our partner state. That is not only about these pastoral issues but also on a day-to-day basis at the borders of Namanga, Tarakea and Taveta. Our business people are not receiving ... view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I want to close my remarks by saying that we need to fast- track the passing of those names, so that such issues which we are talking about now can be ventilated in Arusha in that legislative organ of the EAC. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: I beg to support this Motion. view
  • 10 Oct 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Bill. A lot has been said about the specific clauses of the Bill. Let me just generalise and say that having read this Bill, I was able to conclude the three objectives that this Bill is trying to achieve. One is that we have had elections always being mishandled by the election officials such as the presiding and returning officers, mostly at the grassroots level. Therefore, one of the loopholes that this Bill seeks to close is to insulate the election from the mischief of the election officials. That has been ... view
  • 10 Oct 2017 in National Assembly: Therefore, to avoid another unnecessary nullification, it is good that this House makes these changes to align all the electoral laws to the processes, Hon. Speaker. I want to say that the most important thing is that we do it with stable emotions. We do it with the sole aim of making elections efficient and effective. We do it with the sole purpose of bringing the country together. view
  • 10 Oct 2017 in National Assembly: Having said that, I want to talk about three proposed amendments. These are the three clauses in this Bill. The colleagues who have spoken before me have talked a lot about Clause 3. It is proposing to bring changes on the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Office, specifically the office of the chairperson. It is good to note that IEBC is the only body in Kenya where the Vice-Chairperson or a temporary chairperson elected by the commissioners cannot conduct any lawful business. When Hon. Deputy Speaker or the Temporary Deputy Speakers are in the Chair in this House, they conduct ... view
  • 10 Oct 2017 in National Assembly: Currently, if the Chairperson of the IEBC is unable to declare presidential results for whatever reason, then that will trigger a constitutional crisis because no one else can declare the winner of presidential elections. This is a lacuna. It was an oversight of the framers of the Constitution. We should have seen this long time before. Therefore, I support that proposal that the Vice-Chairperson or any other commissioner elected by the commissioners, in the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, can conduct lawful business. view
  • 10 Oct 2017 in National Assembly: Clause 6 is trying to bring clarity on the transmission of results. Everything is manual at the polling station level, the constituency tallying centre level and at the national tallying centre. The national returning officer announces results based on their manual forms 34A and 34B which are filled at the polling stations. It is good to make it clear that authority will be on manual transmitted results, in case of discrepancies between the two. view
  • 28 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. As I second this Procedural Motion, I also want to thank the Mover who is the Leader of the Majority Party for those good explanations; trying to convince the House that we should reduce the publication period of these Bills. The Bill is not yet before the House. I will not discuss its details. The Motion is just seeking leave of the House. Ordinarily, every Bill has 14 days for publication. But, in accordance with Standing Order No. 120, this House by its resolution can really shorten the publication period to any number of days. ... view
  • 28 Sep 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. As I second this Motion, I want to emphasise the fact that we are doing it within our Standing Orders. Standing Order No.218 allows for the formation of a Select Committee or an a d hoc committee whose mandate will just be within what the House will approve. Because it is a requirement that every Bill must be processed through a committee that will act as the bridge between this House and the public when they are doing public participation, and because we are yet to form the substantive committees, this is the right way ... view


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