Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 81 to 90 of 1895.

  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to give a statement on the progress made in the process of the election of Members to represent Kenya in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) on behalf of the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee on the Election of Members to EALA. As Members are aware, the Joint Committee comprises of 10 Members drawn from the Jubilee Party (JP) and the National Super Alliance (NASA) Coalition in both Houses. Members may as well be aware that the election could not be held as scheduled during the term of the 11th Parliament as the Houses proceeded ... view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Development and Reforms (PDF) had two, the Frontier Alliance Party (FAP) had one, the Democratic Party had one, the Party of National Unity (PNU) had one and independent candidates or those who applied as independent candidates were 24. These brought a total of 208 applicants. It is good to note that out of the 208, only nine will go to Arusha to represent the nation. Parties intending to vie independent of political parties are required to present their nomination papers tomorrow, Thursday November 30, 2017, which is the nomination day. Recognising that Kenya is entitled to a total of nine ... view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: The presiding officers, thereafter, will gazette the election date in accordance with Rule 15 and this should be done by Monday, 11th December 2017. The ultimate date is the election date. It will be done in accordance with Rule 15. This will be on Wednesday, 13th December 2017. As I conclude, I challenge the political parties to ensure that their candidates meet the statutory qualifications for election as Members of Parliament. That is a requirement of the East African Treaty which states that those to represent the partner-States should be qualified to be Members of Parliament of those partner-States. It ... view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Rule 6(2) says in nominating its candidate, each party shall as much as it is feasible take into account the need for fair representation of the various shades of opinions, regional balance, gender and other special interests groups in Kenya, and shall ensure that at least one-third of its nominees are women. Hon. Speaker, the Committee shall upon being seized of the names of the nominees under Rule 13 ensure the nominees fully meet the requirement of Article 50 of the East African Community (EAC) Treaty and Rule 6 of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Rules 2017. That is ... view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: The fact that the submission of Kenya’s members to the EALA is long overdue and has become a concern within the EAC cannot be overemphasised. As a matter of fact, Kenya is the only partner State of the EAC that is yet to present its members to the regional Assembly. Considering that the Assembly cannot be inaugurated without the representation from any of the partner States, Kenya cannot be the country holding the take-off of the regional Assembly in abeyance. In view of the foregoing, I request the House and political parties to note the key timelines of the election ... view
  • 29 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: I thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I stand to support this Motion. Ordinarily, it would not be really nice to speak, being one of the Members proposed to be in the Committee as the co-chair. When we started our sitting this afternoon, I heard my good friend, the Member for Kikuyu, talking about our good neighbour, the Republic of Tanzania auctioning some cattle. Since they are from my constituency, this is the right Motion to explain a bit about it. Let me just say that I was the co-chair of a similar Motion in the 11th Parliament. I am happy because as ... view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: are about six states. It used to be Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. We have been joined by Rwanda, Burundi and even South Sudan. That is where the whole world is moving to – regional integration. Even in this House, we have a Committee on Regional Integration that expounds the need for removing barriers between these partner states, especially trade barriers. view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, the other objective is free movement of goods and services between the partner states. We also have to ensure that we have a borderless community. Ultimately, we aim to have a political federation. When we see one partner state trying to go against the very reasons, grounds and pillars of the establishment of this Treaty, one is left wondering if what caused the collapse of this East African Community in 1977 is about to happen. Some small issues can be ironed out by the Government and administration agencies at the local level. District Commissioners should not at any ... view
  • 8 Nov 2017 in National Assembly: Pastoral life is always in the nature of people. We should promote regional integration. If you go to any border of this country where pastoralists live, there is always that cross-border grazing. We receive different rainfall patterns. In many cases, Kenya hosts livestock from Tanzania because of these different rainfall patterns, but when they have received rainfall and we have terrible drought in many parts of this country, it is not wise for a partner state, especially the one that hosts the headquarters of this EAC... We all know that the headquarters of EAC is in Arusha, and then it ... view


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