Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1371 to 1380 of 1895.

  • 14 May 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Speaker, Sir. I rise on a point of order to move a Procedural Motion that pursuant to the provision of Standing Order No.30(3)(a), this House resolves to extend its sitting time today, Tuesday, 14th May, 2013, until conclusion of business appearing under Order No.8. My attention has been attracted to the fact that under the Act, we must dispose of this business appearing under Order No.8 and taking into account the interest of hon. Members, that so many of them want to view
  • 14 May 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. It is a procedure that the Mover of the Motion is always called to reply. I will not take even two minutes. I want to thank all Members of this House – the 35 of them – who have contributed to this Motion. I want to assure them that we have taken their views. In constituting this National Executive, we hope it will be one of competence and one that will serve all Kenyans. I beg to move. view
  • 9 May 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Chairlady. I rarely differ with my good friend, hon. Mbadi, but on this one I think we are on different breath. I stand to oppose the amendment by hon. Sambu and urge my colleagues to oppose it for this reason; if you read the clause that hon. Sambu is trying to delete, it is for the interest of the counties. It says that in case there is a shortfall of the actual revenue the responsibility of ensuring that county governments still get what they had budgeted for rests with the National Government. If there is excess in ... view
  • 9 May 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Chairlady, I want to oppose the amendment and I want my colleague to understand that this Clause 6 (2) and (3) is not saying you do not go to court. It is saying before going to court, exhaust other mechanisms as stipulated in Article 189 (4) of the Constitution and elaborated in the Inter-governmental Relations Act. You exhaust because if you go straight to court without first of all going through dispute resolution mechanism, you will have wasted funds and the phrase here is “wasteful expenditure”. It is explained in the Public Finance Management Act, Sub-section 2 on view
  • 9 May 2013 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 9 May 2013 in National Assembly: ( Question proposed) view
  • 9 May 2013 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 8 May 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to support this Bill, which is very simple since it only explains what goes to the National Government and to the county governments. The details that my colleagues have been talking about are in the Revenue Allocation Bill, which is yet to come to this House. Just to emphasise what my colleagues have said before, it is important to note the importance of counties in the new constitutional dispensation. It is true that the Constitution created 47 counties with specific mandates and responsibilities. I believe that counties were created because of three main issues:- First, ... view
  • 7 May 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of information, hon. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 7 May 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, I wanted to inform my good friend hon. Ababu? view


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