Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1381 to 1390 of 1895.

  • 7 May 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, we were the youngest in the last Cabinet and so we developed a very good rapport together. I wanted to inform him what I would have also informed hon. Jakoyo Midiwo. When these Standing Orders were changed, not all committees were given a minimum threshold of 19 Members and a maximum of 29 Members. In line with the ruling that hon. Speaker has made and which I fully agree with, it will be very good to have the committees of this House comprise of Members across the divide. That has always been my wish. However, hon. Speaker, ... view
  • 2 May 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. It is good that this matter has found its way to the Floor of this House. It is also good that you indulged me a few minutes to explain to the Members and the country what is happening because this is a matter of national importance. The Budget Estimates have just been laid on the Table and they are supposed to be referred immediately to the Budget Committee because we are running short of time. That will enable the Budget Committee to start going out there and collect public views for purposes of public participation ... view
  • 2 May 2013 in National Assembly: First of all, the House Business Committee, which you chaired on Tuesday this week, directed that by 12.30 p.m. today we present the names of all the committee members to the Clerk of the National Assembly. On my part, as the Majority Party Whip, I have met that deadline. I can confirm that the names of those committee members are with the Clerk of the National Assembly. That is from this side. view
  • 2 May 2013 in National Assembly: I equally expected that the names would be on the Order Paper this afternoon. However, it is good that the House has been informed of what is happening now. It is only the Public Investments Committee and the Public Accounts Committee--- My colleagues on the other side said that they want to take the chairmanship of those committees in order to play the oversight role. Previously, those committees have been chaired by the Opposition. It is good that everybody gets to know that the Opposition chaired those committees not as a favour, but it was in accordance with the Standing ... view
  • 30 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, I take this opportunity on behalf of the people of Kajiado South Constituency and my own behalf to pass my condolences to the family of the late Mutula Kilonzo, the people of Makueni and Kenyans at large. I had the privilege of being with the late Mutula Kilonzo two times. At one time, he was the Shadow Minister for Justice. He is a man I really admired while I sat on this side of the House. I always wished that one day he would become the Minister in charge of justice. Indeed, that came to pass in ... view
  • 30 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you hon. Speaker, Sir. Just for the record, we are debating the reason why we are shortening the publication period of the Bill and not the contents of the Bill. The Bill is not yet before the House. Hon. Speaker, I support this Procedural Motion, which is to shorten the publication period of this Bill from 14 days to one day. In terms of money for the county governments and other institutions, surely there is a need that we should not delay further--- We should fast-track that exercise to enable our-- As the mover of the Motion has already ... view
  • 30 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: We should get this Bill as soon as even tomorrow, if possible. I know tomorrow is a holiday. But it should be on the Order Paper after this House reduces the publication period to one day; we can have it on the Floor of the House on Thursday. I am not anticipating debate, but I know if this Procedural Motion goes through, and then the Bill is read the First Reading, then the next stage is that most probably it will go to the relevant Departmental Committee. I know we do not have Departmental Committees in place and, therefore. So, ... view
  • 24 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise to support the Motion. This Motion originated from the Committee on Selection. I am very sure that the country is pregnant with expectation of the subject matter of the full list of the Cabinet Secretaries; this House is also feeling the same in terms of tabling lists of Members of all the departmental committees. I want to put the record straight as to why we have not been able to bring to the House all the lists of the membership of the departmental committees and other committees of the House. It is because of the ... view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, Sir. I also wish to congratulate you on your election. Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank the people of Kajiado South for having been quite good and electing me to represent them in this House for a third uninterrupted term. view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, Sir. I also wish to congratulate you on your election. Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank the people of Kajiado South for having been quite good and electing me to represent them in this House for a third uninterrupted term. view


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