Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1391 to 1400 of 1895.

  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Let me thank His Excellency the President for the exemplary and elaborate manner in which he exposed his Government’s public policy through the Presidential Address that was delivered on the Floor of this House. For those who were in this House in the last Parliament, I am sure that they have no doubt whatsoever that His Excellency the President is going to deliver on the promises that he made to Kenyans. This is quite evidenced by the fact that when he was the Minister for Finance, it was the first time that resources for this country were given fairly and ... view
  • 18 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Let me thank His Excellency the President for the exemplary and elaborate manner in which he exposed his Government’s public policy through the Presidential Address that was delivered on the Floor of this House. For those who were in this House in the last Parliament, I am sure that they have no doubt whatsoever that His Excellency the President is going to deliver on the promises that he made to Kenyans. This is quite evidenced by the fact that when he was the Minister for Finance, it was the first time that resources for this country were given fairly and ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I rise on a point of order under Standing Order No.172. This will guide the debate on this Motion. I would like to say that the list is not conclusive, because one name is missing. According to Standing Order No.172(1), the membership of this Committee is supposed to be 21 Members including the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of Minority Party. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I rise on a point of order under Standing Order No.172. This will guide the debate on this Motion. I would like to say that the list is not conclusive, because one name is missing. According to Standing Order No.172(1), the membership of this Committee is supposed to be 21 Members including the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of Minority Party. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: In that case, the Jubilee Coalition forwarded 13 names but one name is missing. That is the name of hon. Alice Muthoni Wahome. Therefore, the list is not conclusive. This is not really an amendment; the list I signed and forwarded to your office as the Chief Whip, Majority Party; it includes the name of hon. Alice Muthoni Wahome. If that is rectified, the total number of Members in that list will be 21. The list that has been presented here is composed of 20 Members. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: In that case, the Jubilee Coalition forwarded 13 names but one name is missing. That is the name of hon. Alice Muthoni Wahome. Therefore, the list is not conclusive. This is not really an amendment; the list I signed and forwarded to your office as the Chief Whip, Majority Party; it includes the name of hon. Alice Muthoni Wahome. If that is rectified, the total number of Members in that list will be 21. The list that has been presented here is composed of 20 Members. view
  • 6 Dec 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, this is a Procedural Motion. I will just appeal to my colleagues that they support the Bill when it comes up for Second Reading. I know there are some issues already raised; we are ready to sit down and build consensus at the appropriate time. view
  • 6 Dec 2012 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I beg to second. view


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