Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1621 to 1630 of 1895.

  • 17 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a) Yes, I am aware that there is a boundary dispute between TARDA and farmers along Masinga Dam at Katiule within Masinga Constituency. (b) TARDA surveyors have not encroached on the farmers’ land as alleged. But, on the contrary, the farmers have encroached on the riparian buffer zone on TARDA’s land which the Authority bought and compensated the original owners between 1979 and 1982. The local community has disregarded TARDA’s boundaries and currently farming within the riparian buffer zone, thereby, environmentally degrading the dams. In actual fact, the Authority surveyors who are ... view
  • 17 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, what the hon. Member has said is true. The local community engaged Government surveyors at the constituency level and TARDA used its own in-house surveyors. The results of the survey were not the same. It is in this regard that TARDA sought the good guidance of the Director of Survey to resolve the disparities between the two surveys. The reason why there were different results of the survey is because the two surveyors used different maps. The Government Surveyor at the constituency level used what they call un-certified preliminary index diagrams, while the TARDA in-house surveyors ... view
  • 17 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is true that in the spirit of conservation of its dam, TARDA has planted 200,000 seedlings using the Kazi kwaVijana (KKV) Programme. We have spent a lot of money through the KKV programme in Masinga Dam alone. We have spent about Kshs20 million. Again, it is also true that KenGen has expressed the interest of increasing the height of the dam by another 1.5 metres. But the approval has not been given. The funny issue is that the dam is under the management of TARDA while the water in the dam is under the management ... view
  • 17 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the issue of social corporate responsibility between TARDA and the Masinga community, first of all, what they have been undertaking is the issue of conservation, namely the planting of seedlings. We expect that to extend to community projects and even supplying seedlings to schools and other public institutions. TARDA is not really generating much from the dam because the revenue accruing from the dam is handled by KENGEN. We would expect much social corporate responsibility to be undertaken by KENGEN. We are doing the little we can through conservation of the environment. view
  • 17 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I also want to give my strong support to this Vote 20 - Ministry of Water and Irrigation. It is a service Ministry and I really want to echo its achievements during the able leadership of the Minister and her able teams. They are focusing on reforms. I want to start from where my party leader has stopped; the issue of tariffs, especially on two issues; one, the National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation which is in my area where we have the Nol-Turesh Water Company. The tariffs are very high and they ... view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to also contribute in support of Vote 36. First, I would like to thank the hon. Minister and his able team in the Ministry of Lands for the manner in which they are running this Ministry. They have introduced reforms in the Ministry. I know it was one of the Ministries that required a lot of work to be done to bring back good governance in this country. Land issues are very important and I think the team has put structures in place to deal with that. They ... view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, first, the issue of title deed in this country as collateral for accessing funds for development is very important. I would like the Ministry, if possible to relate with other authorities and abolish the allotment letters like the ones being issued by the county councils because they do not help the people on the ground. If you have a building but the document that shows ownership is an allotment, then it is not recognized anywhere in terms of financial accessibility. Ownership is seen through a title deed. Again, it is good to decentralize the operation ... view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: to hear the Chairman of the Departmental Committee say that this Ministry did not factor funds for the recruitment of personnel required at various levels. view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: It is also good for this Ministry to review the membership of the Land Control Boards. More importantly, they should abolish what is called the “Special Lands Board Committees” where you find the Chairman and the Secretary of the committee meet to arbitrarily allocate or transfer land without the involvement of the larger land control board committee. It is also good that they also operationalise or make functional, the land tribunal boards. In most districts, the tribunals do not exist. In most cases, it is the facilitation that lacks. My main concern to this Ministry is on the land control ... view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, finally, now that we are futuristic in management and we are talking about the new Constitution, one of the most contentious issues was the National Land Commission. I think it is incumbent upon this Ministry as it prepares legislation that will operationalise the National Land Commission, and taking into account the National Land Policy that was passed by this House, it is good that it takes into account the land use system in terms of the minimum and the maximum land ownership. The issue of land use system is very important. This country should be ... view


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