Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1631 to 1640 of 1895.

  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I beg to support this Motion. view
  • 12 Aug 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Minister, for donating the two minutes to me. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, wildlife issues are very close to my heart. My constituency is one of the constituencies which contribute a lot to wildlife issues in this country. It contributes about 50 per cent. That is more so in the case of Amboseli National Park. Tourism is the number one foreign exchange earner for this country, courtesy of wildlife. We always ask ourselves: “How much is ploughed back to the areas that are endowed with wildlife, in terms of corporate social responsibility, be it employment or building ... view
  • 7 Jul 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg the indulgence of the Chair and the House to defer this Question to give me more time. I have gone through the answer I have and consulted the hon. Questioner. We are not satisfied with the response and we are asking for more time to do more research in order to provide the House with a satisfactory answer. view
  • 7 Jul 2010 in National Assembly: view
  • 30 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also want to support this Motion. I want to thank the Parliamentary Service Commission for the energy, time and confidence it has shown in taking up this issue from the beginning. It was a very emotive issue all over the country, especially when people talked about the remuneration of hon. Members; when people talked about taxation for hon. Members. But when the PSC took the initiative by instituting that Tribunal, everybody was happy and we supported it. It was made public; the sittings were public and open. I do not think there were sittings ... view
  • 30 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: One of the things that came out very clearly out of that Tribunal is the fact that, even if many would argue that hon. Members are among the highest paid in the world, what has come out very clearly is that hon. Members in Kenya are not the highest paid people in this country. There is a very big group out there--- My colleagues who have spoken before me have already stated that even in the Civil Service and the civil society, there are those who earn more than hon. Members. That came out very clearly during the public hearings. ... view
  • 30 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: I would like to support the recommendations by the Tribunal. Those recommendations have been supplemented by PSC. I would like to note two or three reservations. If there is an avenue for such recommendations to be reviewed or taken into account, I think there is a need to do so. But, first, I really wish to commend PSC for the initiative they have indicated in the Report of facilitating hon. Members who have not done their strategic planning in their constituencies to do so. That is a very good facilitation and it is more than welcome. That can be improved ... view
  • 30 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, coming to my reservations I was going through the proposed hierarchy in the parliamentary set-up. I do not think, in my opinion, that it was correctly done. If we say we lump together--- That is because the way the proposal is that we have the Prime Minister, the Vice-President and the Deputy Prime Ministers. Then you come to the Ministers being at the same scale with the Leader of Official Opposition, PSC Members and the Government Chief Whip in Parliament. That is the way it is. I do not think that is a well co-ordinated ... view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: (a) In 1994, the Coast Development Authority sought assistance from the Israeli Government to carry out a pre-feasibility study on the utilization of Lake Chala Water Resources for domestic and irrigation purposes, as part of the development of the abundant Water Resources in the Taveta triangle. It is in this regard that an Israeli firm, Afrisco Limited, with funding from Israeli Export Institute, carried out a pre-feasibility study in the four parts focusing on the technical viability of the lake. Three study reports were prepared, all of which found that the project would be economically viable. Following these studies, preliminary ... view


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