Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1641 to 1650 of 1895.

  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, we are just finishing the feasibility study and we are now in the process of short-listing the consultant who will undertaken them. My Ministry has been allocated Kshs1.2 billion in the coming financial year for feasibility studies in the six regional development authorities. We will make sure that our agency, the Coast Development Authority, gets its due share to undertake the feasibility study for this project in the coming financial year. view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the reason why this project stalled in 1994 was due to lack of funding. However, I can assure this House that my Ministry is committed to raising the Kshs3.64 billion through the Government of Kenya, bilateral and multilateral partnerships, that is, through donor funding and also through the Private-Public Partnership (PPP). I am sure we will find funds for under this project because it is very important for the people of Coast Province. view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am very much aware of that fact. As a way forward, my Ministry, among other things, has initiated trans- boundary consultations with the Tanzanian Government in order to have a common understanding and agreement towards this project. That is why we are calling it a” triangle” because it cuts across the Tanzania border. As we try to enhance the East African Community partnership, this is a very important point for the people of the two countries to undertake development together. So, I am aware of that and we will reach an agreement. view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, you will agree with me that this is a totally different Question. However, for the benefit of the hon. Member, I would like to inform him that yesterday there was a Question - and I do not want to pre-empt its reply - about that area. The hon. Member who was to ask the Question, Mr. Murgor, was reported to be out of the country. So, let the hon. Member hold his horses and if by next week the hon. Member will be there, I will answer the Question comprehensively. view
  • 24 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, my Ministry has put the Regional Development Authorities under the performance contracts. We are also going a long way to have capital projects which we also call “flagship projects” rather than spreading ourselves so thinly within the area of coverage. In Coast Province, through our agency, the Coast Development Authority, the Lake Chala Integrated Development Project and the other one at Mwache are the main flagship projects for that province. I can assure the hon. Member that my Ministry will do it. I am also very much available to visit the area in the company ... view
  • 23 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this chance to also contribute in support of this Motion. view
  • 23 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would also wish to appeal to Parliament to grant the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance 50 per cent of the monies in the Budget as requested. However, I would like these funds to be spent as follows: First, we have just finished the registration of voters by the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC). Now we are on the verification of the voter register. As much as I would like to applaud the IIEC for a job well done for the very short time it has been in existence, I would also wish ... view
  • 23 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, again, I would like to appeal to Parliament to approve this Motion, so that we use the money which has been approved to purchase maize from farmers who had a bumper harvest. We are lucky that we have a bumper harvest. So, it is time that we released money in order for that maize to be bought from the farms. On that note, I would like to appeal to the Government, as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance said in his Budget Speech, that we should try to control post-harvest losses. The Kshs1,500 ... view
  • 16 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir for giving me this opportunity to also add my voice on this Motion which I support. I also want to congratulate the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance for the way he ably presented the Budget. On taxation, I would like to comment on three or four measures that the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance has taken which I would like to say are pro-poor and will bring down the cost of services to the common man. First, he lowered tax on imported wheat and rice. This will encourage diversification ... view
  • 16 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. Hon. (Eng.) Maina is not a Member of the Front Bench. I do not think he is allowed to contribute from the Dispatch Box. view


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