Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1701 to 1710 of 1895.

  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Secondly, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would kindly ask the Minister and her able team to push the donors to recognise the newly created districts with respect to implementation of their programmes. As I speak now, when it comes to relief distribution and any other activity that is done through this Ministry which is highly donor funded, they only take the larger districts. For instance, in the larger Kajiado District, we have three constituencies which have been turned into districts. But when it comes to collection of data or implementation of programmes, the Ministry lumps the new districts with ... view
  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to support this very important Motion. First, I would like to thank the Mover for coming up with this Motion which is very timely and very relevant to what we are talking about now in this country; peace and conflict management. A lot has been said about AMANI Forum. What this Motion is asking this House to do is actually very simple; to give it Parliamentary recognition and give it the legitimacy that it can operate within the legal framework set by this House. Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I ... view
  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: August 26, 2009 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES view
  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: 2939 beyond. Therefore, I would like to ask this House to give it the support that it requires and also ask the members of AMANI Forum to be more active and extend their activities to all constituencies in this country. Right now we are talking of reconciliation in this country. We want to forget what happened in 2007 and bring a new chapter of peace, reconciliation and nationhood. This morning we were talking about the good athletes who have done us proud. I think AMANI Forum, given the mandate and the necessary logistics that it requires, can use the athletes ... view
  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, in the last Parliament, I attended Forum activities in Moroto, Uganda. It was a meeting between the Turkanas, Pokots and Karamajong from the other side. We ran a race. I am happy that the current Chairperson of AMANI Forum was very active. He is the one who facilitated the programme in Moroto, Uganda. That was about the issue of cattle rustling. How can we bring peace to the pastoral communities? I am very sure that with the current energetic Members of Parliament, I have seen that the membership has increased, and if we take the spirit ... view
  • 26 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to reply. (a) In the Financial Year 2009/2010, the Ewaso Ngiro North Development Authority is scheduled to construct one water pan and six boreholes in Chalbi or Marsabit North District in the following areas: The water pan in the name Ndege Pan is located in Bubisa Location, Turbi Division, North Horr Constituency. The six boreholes are as follows:- (i) Hidido in Forole Location, Turbi Division; (ii) Sabarei in Bales Saru Location, Dukana Division; (iii) Dukana in Dukana Location, Dukana Division; (iv) Badana in Bubisa Location in Turbo Division; (v) El-qete in North Horr Location, ... view
  • 5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: (b) I also wish to assure this House that these development projects will be implemented before the end of this financial year. The funds amounting to Kshs59.7 million have been provided for these projects. My Ministry has also put the Authority view
  • 5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I want to assure this House and the hon. Member that some progress has already been made. In fact, as I speak now, the contractors are moving to the ground. In all these projects, tendering has been done. The contracts have been awarded. I called the Authority this morning before I came to this House to confirm whether these contractors have moved to site. I was assured that all of them will be on site within the next two weeks. If the contractors will not be there in the next two weeks, I will liaise ... view
  • 5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, you will agree with me that, that is totally a different question, but I will attempt to give some basic information. view


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