Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1761 to 1770 of 1895.

  • 5 Feb 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the record, I have not said that this project is not viable. It is a very important project that actually needs to be completed at all costs. view
  • 5 Feb 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the current estimates as per the Provincial Works Officer to complete that building, stand at Kshs1 billion. I would also agree with the hon. Member that there is a lot to be gained even if the BOT system is used. This is a 12-storey building with so many other facilities inside. The Lake Basin Development Authority can actually get back that money if the BOT system is used. So, it is a good proposal and I promise the hon. Member, that we are going to explore it. view
  • 28 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg the indulgence of the Chair that we were not able to compile the facts on this Question. I have consulted the hon. Member and we agreed that it be answered on Tuesday next week. If you allow, the same should apply to the same Question which falls under my Ministry. view
  • 28 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I have not actually deferred the Question since it is the prerogative of the Chair to do so. However, I kindly ask that it also be deferred to Tuesday on the same grounds. view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I want to add my voice to those who have supported this Motion. I want to say that it is a very important Motion. It is long overdue. view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: I would like to urge my colleague, hon. Linturi, to expedite his work quickly and bring that piece of legislation. I remember that in the last Parliament, such a Motion was brought to the Floor of view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: 4302 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES January 21, 2009 view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: this House. But we did not really see the proposed Bill for debate. As many have said, the role of civic leaders cannot be under-estimated. I want to say that they are full time workers. They work full-time for the five-year term that they are elected. As the hon. Member for Budalangi has said, most of us are in this House most of the time. But civic leaders are always with the people on a full-time basis. I want to ask Mr. Linturi that, when he brings the proposed Bill, he should take into account several factors. One is the ... view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, most of the money from LATF and LASDAP which is meant for development projects, hardly finds its way to those projects. That is because that money is spent to pay allowances to those civic leaders. view
  • 21 Jan 2009 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think we should leave that money to go directly to the people for projects and pay our civic leaders through the Consolidated Fund. We should harmonise the payment of civic leaders, as other hon. Members have said. If you take an example of this House, I represent Loitoktok Constituency. Somebody here represents a constituency in Nairobi, but we are paid the same allowances. The allowances and the basic pay are the same. Why should there be a difference between a councillor who serves in Nairobi and one who serves in Loitoktok? There should be ... view


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