Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1781 to 1790 of 1895.

  • 7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to support this Motion. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, our responsibility as national leaders does not end in this House. We have a lot to do in our constituencies. We should also have time to go and show leadership at the constituency level. Yesterday this House adjourned to discuss a matter of national importance touching on security in the North Rift. I think we should adjourn in order to go and show leadership out there and unite the communities fighting over cattle rustling. Others should go out there to preach peace and reconcile this country. ... view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a) In the last two years, the Government, through--- view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a) In the last two years, the Government has, through the funding of the African Development Bank, allocated and disbursed to the Ewaso Nyiro Development Authority a total of Kshs9,890,900 for the implementation of development programmes in Chalbi, Marsabit and Laisamis districts. (b) The Ewaso Nyiro Development Authority implemented the following programmes or projects and activities in Chalbi, Laismais and Marsabit in the last two years as indicated in this lists that I would like to lay on the Table. view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: (c) The implementation status of these programmes and projects is as per the information given in the document I have laid on the Table. (d) I wish to inform the House that the Ministry of Regional Development Authorities has put the Ewaso Nyiro Development Authority under performance contract in which these programmes and projects form part and parcel of the performance targets that the Board and the 1838 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES July 16, 2008 management of the Authority are expected to implement within the stipulated timeframe. In addition, the Ministry has put in place a monitoring and evaluation system that will ... view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, there was a split of Marsabit District recently into three districts. We undertook these projects before this split and we have nine water pans in all the three districts that cover the three constituencies. The money the hon. Member is asking about is meant for identification, survey and design of the water projects which have already been completed. We are now in the process of doing tendering and that is when we will know the actual figure that nine water pans will cost. If the hon. Member thinks that, that figure may be small or much, ... view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am satisfied that, that amount of Kshs780,311 which was allocated for capacity building, was well utilised to train local communal groups. In fact, there are 19 communal groups who are being trained with a total membership of 351. They are July 16, 2008 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 1839 being trained on how to manage water resources for effective water usage. I am satisfied that the amount is well utilised. For 19 groups with a total of 351 members to spend Kshs780,311 on water management is not much. view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as the hon. Member has correctly stated it is about equitable distribution of resources and not equal distribution of resources. So, the variance on the spread of the resources allocated to those constituencies was based on equitable resource allocation. However, North Horr received a smaller amount compared to the other two constituencies in the last financial year in the larger Marsabit. But on the need basis, we are going to see what we can do during this financial year. Based on equitable distribution of resources, maybe North Horr this time will get more. view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, if you look at this very detailed document, in fact, there is no discrimination. There are several activities which are being undertaken. Some groups are being trained on water usage and soil conservation. Maybe, Saku had only two groups. Laismais had one and North Horr, one. If we go to the community training on participatory forest management, Saku took all the four groups. This is a very detailed document and there are so many activities. If you critically look at this document, you will see that a constituency that might have missed out--- view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I was saying that you may find that one constituency has benefited more than the other in one category, while in another category, another constituency has taken a bigger share. It is more of a need-to-need basis. It is more on equity. There is no discrimination. view
  • 16 Jul 2008 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I concur with the hon. Member that most of the time projects take a lot of time because of survey and feasibility studies. However, for you to achieve the required targets, you need to do proper analysis. However, in the performance contracts we have talked about, we are trying to ensure that regional authorities implement projects within the required timeframe. view


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