24 Oct 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, for the record, there is no Committee called Committee on Devolution and Planning. It is the Sessional Committee on Devolved Government. Mr. Speaker, Sir, we will present the response in two weeks.
24 Oct 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I think I have been reminded by the Vice- Chair of the Committee of our meeting with Ms. Serem on Tuesday. Since we, as a Committee, are going to meet her, it is then possible for us to table a report on Thursday, next week. In the meantime, I wonder whether it is in order for Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale to try to link SRC, an independent Commission, with an executive run by the Jubilee Government and try to insinuate that it has anything to do with the national executive. That is an independent Commission and I want ...
24 Oct 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, we need to take this security issue very seriously. You remember the Mumbai terrorist attack and the Indian Government acting expeditiously to install, not only the CCTV cameras, but also a technology that is able to identify if there is a strange thing happening in a particular surrounding. Through that CCTV advanced technology, they were able to identify one of the construction workers who came with a gun with a plan of planting guns inside the hotel. We need to get an answer from the Vice-Chair whether procurement procedures are the problem. We need to know if ...
24 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I stand under Standing Order No.43(2) to present to the House the Business for next week. Next week on 29th October, 2013, there will be a meeting of the Rules and Business Committee (RBC) at 12.00 noon to schedule the Business of the Senate for the week commencing 29th October, 2013. The Senate will also, on the same day, debate the Second Reading of the County Government Public Finance Management Transition (Amendment) Bill of 2013. The Senate will also commence debate on the Report of the Standing Committee on ...
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also rise to support this Motion in its amended version. Mr. Speaker, Sir, first and foremost, it is important that the exercise that is envisaged be done in accordance with the law. I have listened to, especially the contribution of Sen. Boni Khalwale on this matter. One thing that has attracted me is his views on whether some of these employees should be retrenched. I would have argued that there is no way that we can ignore the fact that retrenchment or redundancy is part of labour practices, not just in Kenya, but ...
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Issues of diversity and inclusiveness are sensitive in this country. Is the Senator for Siaya, therefore, in order to suggest that the national Government has not met the balances that are required of it in the Constitution? The Constitution demands that the formation of the national Executive and other agencies of the national Government must reflect diversity. That has been followed. Is the Senator for Siaya in order to mislead this House that balance has not been met?
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof) Kindiki): Madam Temporary Speaker, I rise to support this Motion. In doing so, I want to congratulate my colleague, the Senator for Machakos, Sen. Muthama. I agree with him fully, save in very few circumstances which are; number one, the fact that this Motion is about the future of crops which are very important to the economy of this country; tea and coffee. We cannot just say that the reason why tea and coffee farming has not performed well is because the Government has refused to do anything. That is not true. This is due to interplay of ...
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): Madam Temporary Speaker, I am almost becoming a stranger.
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. The mechanisation of these industries should be consistent with the objectives of this nation on job creation so that a balance is struck between mechanisation for enhanced productivity on one hand and on the other hand a labour initiative that tries to creates jobs for our people. That balance needs to come out in such policies. The other area which has been forgotten is the area of extension services and the support to farmers given by the Government. Under the new Constitution now, the role of extension services in agriculture lies in ...
23 Oct 2013 in Senate:
(Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki): On a point of order, Madam Temporary Speaker. The Senator for Migori has said that part of the problems in agriculture today have been caused by the entering into funny agreements with COMESA. I think that language is unparliamentary because if the intention of the Senator for Migori was to challenge the COMESA safeguards arrangement, that arrangement is pursuant to Article 61 of the COMESA Treaty of 1993 which is an international treaty ratified by Kenya. It is a bona fide treaty. So, the phrase “funny agreements” in my view is out of order, unparliamentary and it ...