Kithure Kindiki

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Dr. Kithure Kindiki

Deputy Speaker - Senate (2017 - May 2020); Senate Majority Leader Prof Kithure Kindiki (2013-June 2017); Wanjiku’s Best Representative – Food, 2014

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 521 to 530 of 562.

  • 1 Dec 2015 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to move that The Climate Change Bill (National Assembly Bill NO. 1 of 2014, be now read a Third Time. view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. We are here this afternoon on a very important matter. I have said I fully understand what the opposition is trying to do and it is within their right. I wish them luck. I have also expressed myself that they will not succeed. Having said that, is it in order for the Senate Minority Leader to impute improper motive on the Chair of the Committee of the Whole of the Republic of Kenya, by saying blatantly and openly that the Chair has rigged the outcome of the vote? If that is ... view
  • 17 Nov 2015 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 28 Jul 2015 in Senate: Sen. Murkomen. view
  • 23 Jul 2015 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 23 Jul 2015 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, just for the record, I respect Sen. (Prof.) Anyang'-Nyong'o a lot. The reason why I am a bit concerned is that I have been in Sen. (Prof.) Anyang'-Nyong'o’s county as the Senate Majority Leader. Therefore, when people start talking about the Jubilee people who only think about where they come from and where they got votes, I wonder which world they live in. I am sure that the Senate Minority Leader has not been to Tharaka-Nithi County. The last time he was there, he had gone to see if he could get five votes from some ... view
  • 22 Jul 2015 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to thank all those who have contributed to the Bill. Even as Sen. (Eng.) Muriuki was talking about my departure, I was watching him and he has spoken well. With those few remarks, I beg to reply. Given the numbers I request you to defer the putting of the Question to a time that you may determine. view
  • 8 Jul 2015 in Senate: seconded. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 8 Jul 2015 in Senate: Thank you Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I take this opportunity to appreciate and thank my colleagues for the very wonderful and rich discussion on this very important Bill. I thank each of them in person. I have listened to every speaker even when I was not in the Chamber, I followed Sen. M. Kajwang, Sen. Ndiema, Sen. Madzayo, Sen. Sijeny, Sen. Ong’era and Sen. Karaba. I am very impressed with the suggestions that have been made. I thank the Committee on Labour and Social Welfare headed by Sen. Madzayo. I know there has been a lot of push and pull ... view
  • 8 Jul 2015 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I rise under Standing Order No. 54(3) and note that we are very few in the Chamber at this time. Pursuant to that Standing Order, I request that you consider deferring the putting of the Question until tomorrow. view


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