Kithure Kindiki

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Dr. Kithure Kindiki

Deputy Speaker - Senate (2017 - May 2020); Senate Majority Leader Prof Kithure Kindiki (2013-June 2017); Wanjiku’s Best Representative – Food, 2014

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 541 to 550 of 562.

  • 12 Jun 2014 in Senate: (Sen. (Prof). Kindiki): With the remarks of the Chief Whip, that we need to control alcohol in this country, this Bill which is coming for Second Reading is called the Alcoholic Drinks Control (Amendment) Bill. I beg that this Bill be read the Second Time. I beg to move. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 15 May 2014 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Sen. Orengo is one of the most level-headed Senators in this House and his intellectual depth is not in question. However, is he in order to use a term like “fraud” and impute improper motives on the Chairperson of the Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget or any other person, for that matter, concerning any discrepancies that may be there in the Schedule? The word “fraud” connotes criminality and criminal intent. Is he in order to use the word “fraud”? If he is not in order, can he have the humility ... view
  • 13 May 2014 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in exercise of the sovereignty bestowed upon me by the people of the great County of Tharaka Nithi, I vote yes on count “a,” yes on count “b” and yes on count “c.” view
  • 26 Mar 2014 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the following Motion. THAT, pursuant to Standing Order No.28, the Senate approves its Calendar (Regular Sessions) for the second session. This Motion concerns the calendar for this House for the Second Session which started on 25th February and which is expected to run until 4th December, 2014. According to Standing Order No.28, read together with other relevant Standing Orders like 27, the Rules and Business Committee (RBC) is empowered to determine the Calendar of the Senate in every session and to submit its recommendations to this House for approval. That was done ... view
  • 13 Mar 2014 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise to move the following Motion:- THAT, pursuant to Standing Order Nos.16 and 177, the Senate approves the following Senators nominated by the Rules and Business Committee to be Members of the Chairpersons Panel and the respective Committees as indicated below:- 1. view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Chairperson. Is Sen. Kittony in order to challenge, not once, not twice, but three times, the ruling and direction of the Chair to the fact that if a committee has not discussed something, it cannot stop this House from discussing it? view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Madam Temporary Chairperson. Is Sen. Kittony in order to challenge, not once, not twice, but three times, the ruling and direction of the Chair to the fact that if a committee has not discussed something, it cannot stop this House from discussing it? view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in Senate: Agreed. view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in Senate: Agreed. view
  • 26 Nov 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I have just noted that we are less than 15 Senators in the Chamber at the moment, so we do not have a quorum in accordance with the Standing Orders. view


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